Below is the list of messages that can be displayed during the EPCS process within the EHRez application:

  • The following error message will be displayed if you press the Sign in with button without first completing the identity verification process on the portal.

ErrorWhat does it mean?
A valid DEA Number is required in order to continueThe DEA number on the Staff & Providers screen is not valid.
Your SureScripts profile DEA Number does not match the one we have on file. Please contact Customer Support in order to update it.
The provider's SPI in the selected office, in the login, does not have a DEA number stored or, does not match the one registered, in the Staff & Providers screen.
Your SureScripts profile is not allowed to transmit Controlled Substances. Please contact Customer Service in order to updated it. The supplier SPI, in the selected office, in the login, does not have the service level of Controlled Substance. 
SureScripts profile is not allowed to transmit Controlled Substances.
The SPI, registered in the office selected in the login, does not have the service level of Controlled Substance. 
DEA Number could not be confirmed. Please try again later. Problems with the SPI (invalid number, does not exist, belongs to another medical record (EHR), etc.). 
The service is under maintenance. Please try again later.The service is down (technical problems).
Provider record not found.The EHRez provider does not have a registered profile in the Staff & Providers screen. 
Office record not found. The office is not registered in the Office Information screen. 
Office "XXXX" address not found.The selected office, in the login, does not have a registered address. 
Provider credentials for the office "XXXX" not found. The user has not registered his credentials, in the Staff & Providers screen, for the selected office, in the login. 
Provider NPI does not match the credentials.The NPI registered in the Staff & Providers screen does not match the user's NPI number in the portal. credentials do not contain the DEA Number.The user does not have his DEA number confirmed. 
Provider office credentials for "XXXX" do not match the credentials. The credentials (state license or DEA number) on the Staff & Providers screen in the office selected in the login do not match the user's credentials in the portal.
SureScripts record does not match the credentials. The credentials (NPI, state license, or DEA number) registered in SureScripts do not match the user's credentials in the portal. 
SureScripts record does not match your provider credentials. Credentials (state license, state narcotics license, DEA number, or NADEA number, if any), on the Staff & Providers screen, in the selected office, at login. 
SureScripts record does not match the office "XXXX" address. The address registered, in the selected office, in the login, does not match the one registered, in SureScripts. 
Prescription rejected. Controlled substances cannot be sent as compounds nor through a regular electronic prescription.Prescriptions for controlled medications cannot be sent if they are entered manually. The medication must be selected from the search results list and the provider must have the EPCS service active.