Transmissions: Section where electronic claims are created and sent.
Through Main Menu
- On the main screen, press the Billing button.
- Then, press the Transmissions button, located at the top of the screen.
Through QuickLinks
- On the main screen, click on the QuickLinks text located at the top of the screen and select the Billing option.
- Then, click on the Transmissions button, located at the top of the screen.
Through Patients
- On the Patient Details screen, press the Billing button located at the top of the screen and select the Go To Billing option.
- Then, press the Transmissions button, located at the top of the screen.
Through Appointments
- On the Appointments screen, press the Billing button located at the top of the screen and select the Go To Billing option.
- Then, press the Transmissions button, located at the top of the screen.
- Transmit: Before pressing this option, select the claims you wish to send electronically to the Clearinghouse. When pressed, the electronic claims will be sent to the Clearinghouse, which is configured in the system.
- Note: If the Show Transmit Receipt option is checked when pressing the Transmissions button, the Claim Transmission Receipt screen will be displayed, with the information of the provider that is sending the information to the Clearinghouse. In this screen, the user will be able to print the transmission receipt and send the file to the Clearinghouse.
- Dispute: The screen will be displayed, showing the claims to be edited, viewed or submitted.
- Check for Responses: A search for electronic responses received from the Clearinghouse is performed. If there is no response, the following notification will be displayed No responses for now. . . . please try again later . . . . .
- Save As 837P.EDI: Allows you to export and save the 837 document.
- Transmissions History: The screen will be displayed, showing the history of all the electronic invoices that have been sent by the user.
- Received Files History: The screen will be displayed, showing the history of all files received.
- Clearing House History: The screen will be displayed, showing the history of all files received.
- Eligibility History: The screen will be displayed, showing the eligibility history, both for coverage and pharmacy eligibility.
Options: Options that, when selected, perform their functionality.
- Quick Test Mode: When selected, allows you to send the selected claims for evaluation only.
- Show Transmit Receipt: When selected, allows the transmission of claims to display the receipt of the transmission.
- Transmit Zero Charge Claims: When selected, it will allow the system to make electronic transmissions of the selected claims and that the service charge is at 0.00.
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