
Screen where insurance companies and medical plans are configured and edited.


Through Main Menu

  • On the main screen, click on the Billing button. 
  • Then, press the Settings button located at the top of the screen and select the Insurances option.

Through QuickLinks

  • From the main screen, click on the QuickLinks text at the top of the screen and select the Billing option. 
  • Then, click on the Settings button located at the top of the screen and select the Insurances option.

Through Patients

  • On the Patient Details screen, click on the Billing button located at the top of the screen and select the Go To Billing option. 
  • Then, press the Settings button located at the top of the screen and select the Insurances option.

Through Appointments

  • On the Appointments screen, press the Billing button located at the top of the screen and select the Go To Billing option. 
  • Then, press the Settings button located at the top of the screen and select the Insurances option.

Through Settings

  • On the Settings screen, press the Billing button and then press the Insurances button.  



  • Previous: When pressed, the screen will close. 

  • Companies: Section where the list of all insurance companies is displayed. This table also includes the number of rate groups and coverage created for that insurer. 

  • By pressing the right mouse button in this section, the user will be able to select from the following options:
    • Add: Allows the addition of insurance companies.
    • Delete: Allows you to delete the insurer, depending on the selection.
      • Note: Once it is bound or tied to a patient's cover, it cannot be removed. 
    • Copy: Make a copy of the selected insurance company.
    • Paste: Allows to add, a new entry of that company, which the user copied earlier.  
    • Clear Copy: Allows you to delete the action, if you have made a copy of the insurance company. 
  • Company Details: Section where the details of the insurer's information will be collected.

  • The fields to be collected include:
    • Name: Name that identifies the insurance company.
    • Code: Code that identifies the insurer internally.
    • Payer ID: The insurer's identifier, with the billing service provider, on all electronic transactions.
    • Identifier: Allows you to select the type of insurance business. 
    • Default Provider: Identifies the name of the supplier, which you want to appear each time a claim is created.
    • ETIN: The Electronic Transmitter Identification Number of the insurer is recorded.
    • Email: E-mail of the insurer may be from a contact person.
    • Web: Insurance company's website.
    • Physical Address: Physical address of the insurance company.
    • Postal Address: Mailing address of the insurance company.
    • Enable: Select this option to identify that the insurance company is enabled. 
  • Coverage Plans: Section where the list of all the coverage of an insurer is displayed.

  • Plan Details: Section where the details of the cover information will be displayed.
    • Name: Cover name.
    • Code: Name by which the insurer will be identified in Billing.
    • Claim Type: Select the type of cover.
    • Billing Schedule: Select the rates, which will be using the cover.
    • Needs Referral: Identify, if the cover needs referral.
    • Capitation: Identify if the cover is a Capitation.
    • Enabled: Select this option, if the office has the cover active. If the office will no longer work with the cover, uncheck this option.
    • Copays: In this section, enter the deductible information. This information can be found on the patient's card.

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