
Used to configure office or staff hours, holidays, appointment types, and evaluation rooms.


Through Main Menu

  • Select the Appointments module from the Main Menu screen.
  • Click on the Settings button located in the Side Panel section on the right side of the screen.

Through QuickLinks 

  • Select the 'QuickLinks' text at the top of the Main Menu screen, then choose the Appointments option.
  • In the Appointments screen, click the Settings button located in the Side Panel section on the right side of the screen.
  • Alternatively, choose the Patients option. On the Patients screen, select the Appointments button at the top of the screen. Then, click on the Settings button in the Side Panel section, which is located on the right side of the screen.

Through Settings

  • Select the Settings module from the Main Menu screen.
  • In the Settings screen, click on the Office option, then choose the Appointments button.



  • SMS Settings: The system enables the configuration of text messages to remind patients of their appointments. Additionally, it allows the creation of Templates to simplify the process of sending text messages from the office or facility.
  • Print Hol. / Vac.: Generate the Holidays / Vacation Days Report.


  • Add Hol.: Incorporate a holiday or vacation period.

  • Rooms: Modify or include the names of examination rooms you wish to make available for assignment.

  • Appt. Types: Set up the types of appointments you would like to offer as options.

  • Edit Hol.: Edit a holiday or vacation period.
  • Cal. Settings: Adjust the calendar settings to show the preferred time intervals between appointments.
    • Ex. Every 5 minutes:
    • Ex. Every 10 minutes
    • Ex. Every 15 minutes: 

    • Ex. Every 30 minutes:

    • Ex. Every 60 minutes:

  • Edit Hours: Edit office hours. 
  • Save: Stores changes made.
  • Cancel: Reverts any alterations made on the display.
  • Office Work Hours: Configure the practices hours.
  • Provider Working Hours: Set the working hours for all service providers.
  • Holidays and Vacations: Displays the configured holidays or vacation time. The Enabled button at the end of each line allows authorized users to quickly enable or disable the entry.

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