Main screen for patient management in an office or facility. It has two main areas: Arrivals and Workflow Items (these tabs are configured in the Settings / Office / Workflow Label Settings screen) with the weight of the patient.
Before starting to use this screen, you have to work with several configurations.
- Recommended Article: Learn More About: Workflow / Configuration
Through Modern Main Menu
- In the main menu, press the Workflow button.
Through Classic Main Menu
- Press the Workflow button, located at the top right of the screen.
Through Appointments
- Go to the Appointments screen.
- Press the More button located at the top of the screen and select the Workflow option.
Buttons (Arrivals)
- Subject Settings: When pressed, it allows you to configure the reasons for the visit to the center or office.
- Planning Summary Care: When pressed, displays the Plan Care screen, if the patient has an encounter attached.
- Patient Rebound: Button is enabled when a patient returns to the center or emergency room less than 24 hours after discharge.
- Print Orders Sheet: When pressed, it displays the clinical tasks of the selected patient.
- Dismissals History: Displays the patient history, which was removed from the Arrivals section.
- Documents: When pressed, it allows the registration of documents to the selected patient.
- Reports: Displays the report screen, related to patients, who have already been Discharged.
- Viewer: Display the Workflow Viewer screen to show the arrival and location of waiting patients.
- Active Tasks: Report that informs nurses of the tasks that are pending to be performed. Mostly used for changing nurse shifts.
- Completed Tasks: Report that informs nurses of each patient's completed tasks. Mostly used by nurses.
- Previous: Allows you to close the screen.
- Arrivals: Main area where patients are registered on a first-come, first-served basis.
- This section is filled in with the information registered by the secretary or other assigned user and also with the information registered in the Auto Registration program. In this section, the following can be done:
- Control the flow of patients arriving at a diagnostic and treatment center.
- Allows to add patients in order of arrival (both existing and new patients).
- Allows to create a record for new patients.
- Allows to edit/remove patients already listed.
- Allows to assign the patient to a specific room and provider, under a category. Important Note: The
- Workflow screen and the Appointments screen work together, therefore, patients registered in
- Appointments as having arrived will appear in the Workflow screen.
- Add Arrival: When pressed, allows you to register the arriving patient. Patients will be registered in order of arrival.
- Edit Arrival: Pressing it allows you to edit the selected patient's information such as date of birth, phone number, reason for visit, and if necessary, the person accompanying the patient. Note: If you edit any of the patient's demographic information fields, press the Update Patient and Save button to save the changes to the Patients screen.
- Assign Patient: When pressed, you will be able to assign patients to the Office Location, select the provider who is seeing the selected patient, record the category of the visit and write a note. Note: Assigning the patient to a room in the office or facility will automatically take you to the Workflow Items screen.
- Remove Patient: Al presionar, se removerá de la lista, el paciente seleccionado.
The following tabs are configured per office, in the Settings / Office / Workflow Label Settings screen.
- Date: Displays the date and time, when the patient was registered.
- Patient Name: Display the name of the patient, who arrived at the center.
- Reason for coming: Displays the main reason why the patient came to the center.
- Companion: Display the patient's companion's name.
- Tabla: Place where the patients that are being registered in the system will be displayed. By double clicking on the selected patient, the Add Workflow screen will be displayed to locate the patient in the corresponding office or center.
- Workflow Items: Section of the screen where the user's location and treatment is worked out.Note: All those patients who registered in the system through the Auto Registration and do not have a record number assigned, will be identified in yellow color.
- In this section, the following can be performed:
- Allows to control and organize the patient flow management, through the different filters on the screen.
- Allows access to the Patient Details screen (by pressing the right mouse button and selecting the Go to Patient Details option).
- Allows access to the progress note. There are two ways:
By pressing the Add button, located on the right side of the selected patient. Note: If there is a pending clinical task for the patient, a message will be displayed indicating that there is an open encounter for that patient if you wish to download it instead of opening a new encounter. If you press No, a new progress note will be displayed.
Double click on the selected patient. Note: If the patient has any open progress notes, the most recent progress note will be displayed.
It allows to visualize the clinical tasks of the patient or in general. These can be displayed in several ways:
Pressing the Active Tasks button, located at the top of the screen, will display the report of the clinical tasks pending for all patients.
Pressing the Clinical Tasks tab, located on the right side of the screen. All the clinical tasks of all the patients will be displayed.
Pressing the More Options button, located to the right of the selected patient and pressing the View Clinical Task button. Note: If the patient is ready and has a clinical task like this, the patient will be displayed.
Buttons- Print Orders Sheet: Press to display and print the clinical tasks of the selected patient.
- Discharged Patients: Displays the report of patients, who have been seen and dispatched, according to the system.
- Dispositions History: Displays the history of patients, who have been removed, with a disposition.
- Documents: When pressed, it allows you to register documents to the selected patient.
- Reports: Displays the report screen, related to patients, who have already been Discharged.
- Viewer: Display the Workflow Viewer screen, to show the arrival and location of waiting patients.
- Active Tasks: Report that informs about the tasks that are pending to be performed. Mostly used for changing nurse shifts.
- Completed Tasks: Report where the completed tasks of each patient are displayed. Mostly used by nurses.
- Previous: Allows to close the screen.
- Date: The date displayed in this field will be Default with 2 days. If you only want the current day's patients to be displayed, click on the Todays link located next to the date field.
- Todays: Clicking on this link will display only the current day's patients.
- Reports: By clicking on this link, the Reports screen will be displayed, and the report can be printed.
- Refresh: (Botón): When pressed, it allows you to refresh the screen.
- Filter by the logged in office: Selecting this box allows you to filter patients according to the office to which you are connected to the system.
- Show Discharged Patients: Selecting this checkbox will display the patients dispatched from the office or center.
- Planning Summary Care: When pressed, displays the patient's clinical summary plan. The patient must have an encounter attached. If not, it displays a message.
- Patient Rebound: Button is enabled when a patient returns to the center or emergency room within 24 hours of discharge.
- Patients [Tabla]: In this section, all the patients, already located in the evaluation rooms, will be displayed, where you will be able to see their movement.
- Label: The category color is displayed, as configured in: Settings / Clinical / Clinical Tasks Templates / Task Categories.
- Record No: Displays the patient's record number.
- Patient: Display the patient's name.
- Office: Displays the office, where the patient will be attended.
- Status: Identifies the status of previously configured patients in the Settings / Office / Workflow Status screen.
- Location: Display the room where the patient is currently located.
- Subject: Displays the main reason why the patient came to the office. They are configured in the Arrivals section by pressing the Subject Settings button located at the top of the screen. They are also configured in the Settings / Clinical / Clinical Tasks Templates / Arrivals Categories screen.
- Arrival Date: Displays the date, which the patient arrived.
- Category: Displays the category, with which the patient was classified upon arrival.
- Provider: Display the patient, which was assigned to the patient.
Note: Section to write any type of note.
Create new progress note: Pressing it will display a new progress note for the selected patient.
Discharge Patient: When pressed, it will indicate that the patient has left the office.
Add New Location: When pressed, it allows you to switch patients to the evaluation room.
Past Encounters: When pressed, the patient's last five progress notes will be displayed.
More Options: Through this button you can access different screens. Among them:
Discharge Patient: When pressed, it will indicate that the patient has left the office.
Change Room Location: When pressed, allows patients to switch to the evaluation room.
View Clinical Tasks: When pressed, the Tasks screen will automatically be displayed so that the nurse can complete the clinical tasks assigned to the selected patient.
- Discharge Patient With Disposition: When pressed, the selected patient is recorded as having left the office or center with some disposition. A Template must be selected, in order to justify the inactivity of that patient.
Room History: By pressing, you can view the patient's movement history for the evaluation room.
Past Encounters: When pressed, the patient's last five progress notes will be displayed.
- Links at the bottom right of the screen:
- Refresh: When pressed, it allows you to refresh the screen.
- Restore Layout: When pressed, it allows you to restore the original screen layout.
- Save Layout: When pressed, it allows to save the user's desired design.
Tab (Right side of the screen)
- Clinica Tasks: Pressing it will display the screen where all the assigned clinical tasks will be displayed.
- Filtro Fecha: It will be displayed by Default, with a period of two days. It can be filtered according to the user's preference. Once you have selected the date of your choice, press the Refresh button located next to the date field.
- Task Deactivation: When pressed, it allows you to write a confirmation note to delete the selected clinical task.
- Mark as Completed: Pressing allows you to mark the selected clinical task as completed. Once you have selected that you want to complete the task, the final grade screen of the completed clinical task will be displayed.
- Notifications: When pressed, the list of all pending clinical tasks will be displayed. Note: If the user wishes to print all pending clinical tasks, he/she should press the Active Tasks button located at the top of the screen.
Options by pressing the right screen button
Go to Patient Details: When selected, it will display the patient demographic screen.
Signatures: When selected, it will display the screen of the signatures of the users, who documented, in the progress note.
View Orders: When selected, the screen of orders, prescriptions, referrals, educations and labs that have been sent to the patient will be displayed.
View Order Summary: When selected, the clinical summary of the patient encounter will be displayed.
Check for Open Progress Notes: When selected, displays open progress notes for the selected patient.
Recommended Articles:
- FAQ's: Workflow