Function used to register new or established patients as they arrive at the practice or clinic.
Click on the Add Arrival button on the arrivals tab of the Workflow screen.
Office Locations and Visit Reasons must be configured prior to using this functionality. Recommended Article: Workflow / Configuration.
Search Patients:: Search for existing patients, if a patient record is selected, the name, last name, gender, phone number and date of birth will auto fill the respective fields.
Delete : Removes the selection made on the search field.
- Patient Demographics: Demographics returned for the selected record.
- Reason for visit: [Required] Identifies the reason for the visit.
- Companion: Name of the patients companion.
- Create New Record: Check this option only if an existing record could not be found. This option will create a new patient record with limited demographics data: Name, Last Name, Gender, Phone No. and DOB. All other demographics information must be entered via the Patient Details screen.
Recommended Article:
- FAQ's: Workflow / Arrivals