Main screen of the system reports. Will find the quality reports of (CQM) and the Meaningful Use (MU) reports.
Press the Reports button from main menu.
- Menu: Displayed in the left side of screen. Classifies the following areas:
- Dashboard: Displays the summary of demographic information and appointments, appointments flow, medical coverage, patient clnical information and the encounter information.
- Quality Measures (CQM): Area where the (CQM) quality measures are displayed.
- Meaningful Use Measures (MU): Area where the Meaningful Use measures are displayed like Stage 1" and "Stage 2".
- Search: Area of categorized search by the following areas: Patient, Appointments and Clinical.
- Tabs: The following areas will be displayed on the top of screen: Dashboard, Results, Clinical Quality and Meaningful Use.
- HL7 Messaging: Area to make the file of Health Syndromic Surveillance.