
Create reports related to office appointments.


Through Main Menu

  • Click on the Appointments button on the Main Menu screen.
  • Once in the Appointments screen, click on the More button located at the top of the screen, and select the Reports button.
  • Or click on the Reports button, located in the Side Panel section on the right side of the screen.

Through Quicklinks 

  • Click on the Quicklinks text located at the top of the screen and select the Appointments option.
  • Once in the Appointments screen, click on the More button, located at the top of the screen, and select the Reports button.
  • Or click on the Reports button, located in the Side Panel section, on the right side of the screen.

Through Patients 

  • Click on the Patients Details button in the Main Menu.
  • Once in the Patient's Detail screen, click on the Appointments button, located at the top of the screen.
  • Once on the Appointments screen, click on the More button and then select the Reports option. Users can also click on the Reports button, located in the Side Panel section, on the right side of the screen. 



  • Saved Report: By pressing this button, all the reports created by the user will be displayed in a list.
  • Save Current: By pressing this button, the selected report will be modified.
  • Save as New: By pressing this button, the displayed information can be saved in a report format.
  • Communication: By pressing this button, Note: All patients displayed on this screen are the same as the ones in the Reminders screen.
  • Print: Displays a report of the information shown on the screen. Note: If you wish to remove some of the reports. (Drag the columns outside the charts and start over to print again. The columns will be displayed again once you close and open the screen.)
  • Previous: Closes screen.

  • Filters: The information displayed on the screen will depend on the selected filter. The information can be filtered by date, patient, provider, and office.
  • Past Weeks: By selecting this option, the report will be filtered with the appointments from the previous week.
  • Next Week: By selecting this option, the report will be filtered with the appointments from the following week.
  • Next 15 days: By selecting this option, the report will be filtered with the appointments from the next 15 days.
  • Next Month: By selecting this option, the report will be filtered with appointments from the following month.
  • Exclude previously sent reminder patients: By selecting this option, it would exclude sending reminders to patients previously sent.
  • Include deleted appointments: By selecting this option, the deleted appointments will be displayed in the report.
  • Table: Place where the information is displayed according to the filters selected in the upper part of the screen. 

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