
The screen handles the information of all office staff, including internal and external users.


Through Main Menu

  • Select the Appointments button, in the Main Menu screen. 
  • Once the Appointments screen is displayed, click on the "More" button located at the top of the screen. 
  • Select the "Office Directory" option.

Through QuickLinks

  • Select the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen. 
  • Select the "Settings" option, then click on the "Office" button, and finally select the "Office Directory" option.

Through Settings

  • Select the "Settings" button, in the Main Menu screen. 
  • Select the "Office" button and select the "Office Directory" option. 

Through Patients

  • Select the "Patients" button, in the Main Menu screen. 
  • Click the "More" button located at the top of the screen.
  • Select the "Office Directory" option.


  • Add: Allows to add a contact to the office directory.
  • Edit: Allows editing of the selected contact in the office directory.
  • Delete: Allows editing of the selected contact in the office directory.
  • Previous: Closes the screen.
  • Search: Allows searching for contacts in the office directory.

Edit Screen Details

Screen where the information of the medical office or facility is added or edited.


  • Save: Save the changes made on the screen. In order to save, the name, surname, telephone, and physical address are required.
  • Cancel: Cancel any unsaved changes from the medical office or facility.
  • Add Picture: Add a contact's profile photo.

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