Reasons why the patient does not receive text messages

Modified on: Thu, 13 Mar, 2025 at 10:57 AM

Reasons why the patient does not receive text messages

Is not a mobile number
It means that the patient's registered number is not a mobile number..
Number is backlistedIt means that the phone number has been blocked by the mobile company.
Number is unsubscribedIt means that the patient, at the time of replying, pressed “Stop” and the same patient unsubscribed from the text message service.
Is not a valid phone numberIt means that the phone number is inactive or suspended, the area code does not exist or the phone number does not exist. 
Phone number belongs to a disabled regionIt means that the cell phone number belongs to a region that does not support SMS services. Only area codes from the USA and its territories are supported. 
Is not a valid numberIt means, it is not a valid number.
Is not currently reachableIt means, that the cell phone is switched off or out of the coverage area. 
Phone number is invalidIt means, that the phone number is invalid. 
Is not a supported carrierIt means that the mobile carrier is not compatible. 
Phone number is a landlineIt means, it is a landline telephone number. 

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