
Screen where the templates, which are used, are configured in the Clinical Taks screen.


Through Settings

  • In the Main Menu, press the Settings button.
  • Press the Clinical button and then select the Clinical Tasks Templates button.

Through QuickLinks

  • In the main menu, click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen. 
  • Select the Settings option. 
  • Then press the Clinical button and select the Clinical Tasks Templates button.



  • Available Orders (ER): When pressed, it allows you to configure the frequent orders to be performed in the emergency room.  

  • Available Procedures (ER): When pressed, it allows you to configure the procedures to be performed in the emergency room. 

  • Task Categories: When pressed, it allows you to configure the categories of the patient's visit. These are used at the time of assigning the patient when he/she arrives at the office or center. They can also be edited in the Workflow Items screen.

  • Arrivals Categories: Pressing allows you to configure the reasons for the facility or office visit. These categories are used on the Add Patient Arrivals screen and on the Self Registration screen for Workflow users (This screen is also accessed from the Workflow screen in the Arrivals section and by pressing the Subject Settings button located at the top of the screen).

  • Add Questions: When pressed, it allows you to configure the questions of the self-registration questionnaire at the time of the patient's arrival at an emergency center or emergency room. 

  • New: Allows to add a new clinical task template.
  • Edit: Allows to edit the selected template.
  • Delete: Allows to delete the selected template.
  • Cancel: Allows you to cancel any unsaved changes on the screen.
  • Save: Allows to save the changes on screen.
  • Previous: Allows to exit the screen.


Quick Treatment 

  • Available Medications: In this section, the provider will be registering the medications he/she wishes staff to administer to the patient prior to discharge from the office (these are configured in the Settings / Clinical / Available Medications Settings screen).
  • Available Orders: In this section, the provider will be registering any orders he/she wishes to have placed for the patient prior to discharge from the office (these are configured by pressing the Available Orders (ER) button located at the top of the screen). 
  • Available Procedures: In this section, the provider will be registering the procedure he/she wants the patient to undergo before being discharged from the office (these are configured by pressing the Available Procedures (ER) button located at the top of the screen).

Patient Treatment

  • Medications: In this section, the medications to be administered to the patient, selected from the Quick Treatment column, are displayed.  
  • Orders: In this section, the orders that you want the patient to receive before being discharged from the office are displayed. Selected from the Quick Treatment column. 
  • Procedures: In this section, the orders that you want the patient to receive before being discharged from the office are displayed. Selected from the Quick Treatment column.
  • General: In this section, the provider will be recording any type of personalized patient instructions that he/she wishes his/her staff to give to the patient prior to discharge from the office. (For example: Putting the patient to bed).
  • ICD Codes: In this section, the provider will be recording the diagnosis, according to the clinical task.  

Where will the information be displayed?  

These Templates will be used in the Add Clinical Tasks screen.    

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