Screen used to add patients arriving at the center and to add new patients.Access
Through Modern Main Menu
- In the main menu, click on the Workflow button.
- Press the Arrivals tab and then select the Add Arrivals button to add patients.
- Or, if the patient is already registered, press the Edit Arrival button.
- In the main menu, click on the Workflow button located at the top right of the screen.
- Press the Arrivals tab and then select the Add Arrivals button to add patients.
- Or, if the patient is already registered, press the Edit Arrivals button.
- Go to the Appointments screen.
- Click on the More button located at the top of the screen and select the Workflow option. \Click on the Arrivals tab and then click on the Add Arrivals button.
- Or, if the patient is already registered, press the Edit Arrival button.
This screen needs to be configured, the reason for the visit. Recommended Article: Workflow / Configuration
- Search Patients: Section where you can search for existing patients, by selecting the patient, the following fields will be automatically populated (Name, Last Name, Gender, Phone No., DOB.)
Important Note: If the phone is not displayed, the user must edit the patient's record in the Patient Details screen first, otherwise, he/she will not be able to add the patient in this screen. This is because before, the phone was not required, now it is.
- PMS Sync: Allows synchronization of patients and encounters with the system.
- Save: Allows to save the selected patient.
- Cancel: Pressing it will close the Add Patient Arrival screen.
- Delete: If a patient has already been selected in the Search Patient, pressing this button removes the fields associated with the selected patient.
- Campos de Name, Lasta Name, Gender, DOB y Phone No: If the selected patient already exists in the office or center, the information in these fields will be displayed automatically. If it is a new patient, you must enter the required fields.
- Reason for visit: [Requerido]: Section where the reason for the visit is recorded.
- Companion: Section where the person who accompanied the patient is registered.
- New Patient: When this option is selected, the Name, Last Name, Gender, Phone No. and DOB fields are disabled to enter the new patient information. Once the patient information is completed, the OK button is pressed and the patient is automatically saved in EHRez.
- Office: The office or center where the patient will be seen is displayed or selected.
- Update Patient and Save: If there has been any change in the patient's information, when editing the patient's information, you can press this option to update and save the patient's information.