
The screen is designed for registering and editing patient demographic information. It offers multiple functions, including printing demographic reports, registering signatures, marking patient arrival at the office or emergency room, accessing the appointment screen, registering documents, accessing the billing screen, recording payments, viewing payment history, and printing reports of product purchases, among other features.


Through Main Menu

  • Select the Appointments button on the Main Menu screen.
  • In the Appointments screen, select the Patient Details button found in the Side Panel section.

Through QuickLinks 

  • Click on the QuickLinks text at the top of the screen, then select the Appointments option.
  • In the Appointments screen, select the Patient Details button found in the Side Panel section.
  • Alternatively, choose the Patients option.

Through Patients

  • Select the Patients button on the Main Menu screen.

Through Workflow

  • Navigate to the Workflow screen and select the Workflow Items tab.
  • Select the patient, then right-click with the mouse and choose the Go To Patient Details option.



  • More:
    • Addresses: Include additional addresses for the patient. (i.e. Parents, grandparents, custodians, etc.).
    • Deactivate: Pressing this button will deactivate the patient's record.
    • History: Display the complete history of changes made to patient records and the history of emails sent.
    • Alert Manager: Pressing this will display all alerts for the selected patient or for all patients who have alerts.
    • Eligibility: Verifies the patients eligibility.
    • History: Display the history of changes in the patient's record and the emails sent.
    • Merge: Enables the merging of duplicate patient records.
    • PMS Sync: Enables synchronization of patient details and encounters with the Practice Management System (PMS).
    • Related Providers: Include the providers that the patient visits for specialized care. (i.e. Cardiologists, Endocrinology, etc.)
    • Relatives: Include detailed information about the patient's relatives or alternative contact information.
    • View Orders: This function opens the Prescriptions and Pending Orders screen, where all the patients' pending orders are displayed. (Important Note: Pending orders will be displayed for a period of 30 days only.)
    • FHIR: For additional details regarding this option, please reach out to our service department at 787-625-0440.
    • General Alerts: Enables the opening of administrative alerts for patients. (These alerts will be configured in the Settings/Offices/Office Alerts screen.) 
    • Patient Alert History: Allows you to go to the screen where the patient's history alerts will be displayed. (Alerts are generated in the Alert/New Alert screen upon clicking the Alert/New Alert button, or in the Appointments screen by right-clicking on the scheduled patient. They can only be viewed in the Patients and Appointments screens.)
    • New Patient Alert: The system allows the creation of patient alerts. These alerts will be displayed upon opening the Patient Details screen, or when accessing the Patient Details from the Appointments screen.
  • Print: The patient's demographic information will be printed.
  • Signatures: Displays the history of patient signatures.
  • Appointments: Pressing this button will display the Appointments screen.
  • Documents: Provides scanned images categorized as previously known Images.
  • Billing: Enables opening the main Billing screen, accessing the patients screen, and viewing the patients' billing history claims.

    • Go to Billing: Allows access to the billing screen. 
    • Payment: Allows to register the patient's payment. 
    • Billing History: Allows access to the patient's billing history.  
    • Daily Report - Purchase Payments: Allows printing the report of product payments of the office or facility.

  • Add: To add a new patient, the required fields marked with an asterisk (*) are as follows:

  • "Name": *
  • "Gender": *
  • "DOB": *
  • "Birth Sex": *
  • "Race": *
  • "Ethnicity": *
  • "Civil Status: *
  • "Phone": *
  • "Physical Address": *
  • "Primary Language": *
  • Edit: By pressing the appropriate button, you can edit the demographic information of the selected patient.
  • Cancel: Pressing the Cancel button will undo any action taken before pressing the Edit button.
  • Save: When pressed, all changes are saved.
  • Previous: By pressing closes the screen.
  • Record No: Section for displaying the patient record number.
  • Last Activity: The date of the record's last activity will be displayed.
  • Search: In this field, you can search for patients by name, surname, record number, medical plan contract number, social security number, or telephone number. You can also perform the search through the magnifying glass located next to this field.
  • Pharmacies: This screen displays a record of the patient's preferred pharmacies. The list can be accessed on the same screen used to send prescriptions.

Patients Fields

  • Name: *(Required) (Title, first, I. Last, 2nd Last, Suffix): Title, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Second Last Name, Patient's Suffix

  • Gender: *(Required) Patient's gender. The following are the options: (These options cannot be edited.)

    • Male
    • Female
    • Unknown
  • Gender Identity: Patient's gender identity. (These options cannot be edited.)
    • Additional gender category or other, please specify. 
    • Choose not to disclose
    • Declined to Specify
    • Female-to-Male (FTM)/Transgender Male/Trans Man
    • Genderqueer, neither exclusively male nor female
    • Identifies as Female
    • Identifies as Male
    • Male-to-Female (MTF)/Transgender Female / Trans Woman
  • DOB: *(Required). Please provide the patient's date of birth in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
  • DOD: Patient's date of death. This is the format of date: MM/DD/YYYY.
  • Birth Sex: *(Required) Patient's birth sex. (This is a required field.)
  • Race: *(Required). Patient's race. These are the following options: Some additional options were added. (These options cannot not be edited.)
    • American Indian or Alaska Native
    • Asian
    • Black or African American
    • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
    • Declined to Specify
    • White
  • Ethnicity: *(Required). Patient's ethnicity. These are the following options. Some additional options were added. (These options cannot be deleted.)
    • Hispanic or Latino
    • Not Hispanic or Latino
    • Declined to Specify
  • Sexual Orientation: Patient's sexual orientation. (These options cannot be edited.)
    • Bisexual 
    • Choose not to disclose 
    • Declined to Specify
    • Don't know
    • Lesbian, gay or homosexual
    • Something else, please describe 
    • Straight or heterosexual
  • Civil Status: *(Required). Patient's civil status. These are the following options: (These options cannot be edited.)
    • Divorced
    • Married
    • Other
    • Single
    • Widowed
  • Birth State: Patient's birth state.
  • Birth City: Patient's birth city. 

Patients Identification


  • Alias: Name as patient is known.

  • SSN/MPI: SSI = Social Security Number and MPI = Master Patient Index. 

  • ID/Number: Patient's identification number. 

  • ID Type: Identification type. These are the following options: 

    • Chauffer
    • Driver

    • Heavy

    • Learners Permit

    • Motorcycle

    • Non-Driver

    • Other ID

    • Unknown

  • ID State: Patients ID State. 

  • ID 2: Allows registering a patient's second identification.

  • ID 3: Allows registering a patient's third identification.


Electronic Clinical Record

  • Patient Type: Select the patient's type from the list. This section will be used to identify the patient when system configuration is made. Press the edit button to add or edit the patient's type.

  • Default Provider: Select your preferred provider. The templates displayed on this screen will be populated with the information from the chosen provider.

  • Alt Record No: Patient's alternate record number.

Contact Information

  • Preferred: Please select the patient's preferred method of contact.

  • Mobile: *(Required) Patient's mobile phone. 

  • Other Phone: *(Required) Patient's other phone. 

  • Email: Patient's email: This is not a required field, but it is recommended in order to send clinical or educational information to the patient.

    • : Clicking this icon will send the patient instructions to create their portal account. This field requires an email address to set up the account.

  • Direct: The most secure method for sending clinical information is known as Direct. Our system utilizes Microsoft's HealthVault portal accounts for this purpose. (For example: [email protected].)

  • : Clicking this icon will open a web page where a patient or secretary can create the patient's account. (Patient MUST have an email account.)

Physical and Postal Address field

  • Physical Add: *(Required) Patients physical address.
  • Postal Address: Patient's postal address: If the patient's postal address is the same as their physical address, the user can click the Copy Physical button to duplicate the address into the postal address fields.
  • Use for billing: Select the address that will be used for billing purposes.

Pictures Area: Section to scan the ID or Profile picture. 


  • Profile: Insert a patient's profile photo.
  • Id Picture: Add a patient's ID. (Example: License Id.)

More Options:

  • Religion: Patient's religion. Press the edit button to modify the options.
  • Primary Language: *(Required) To edit a patient's primary language, press the edit button to modify the options.
  • Secondary Language: To change a patient's secondary language, press the edit button to modify the options.
  • Education Level: To modify a patient's education level, press the edit button to access the options.
  • Consent for Health Information Exchange: By selecting this option, means that patient authorizes to exchange clinical information.
  • 3rd Party PMS ID: If the user has an alternative billing program, the program's ID must be entered in this field.
  • Exclude from Reports: Selecting this option will exclude the patient from appearing in the reports. 
  • Notes: Field to write a note of any related patient's information.


  • Insurances: Pressing this tab will display the patient's insurance coverage information.

Links: (Located at the bottom right side of screen)

  • Save Layout: Clicking this link, the user will be able to save the preferred layout.
  • Restore Layout: Clicking this link will enable users to reset to the default layout.
  • Refresh: 

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