
Screen where the security measures and general system configuration are configured.


Through Settings

  • In the Main Menu, press the Settings button.
  • Press the General button and then select the General button.

Through QuickLinks

  • In the main menu, click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen. 
  • Select the Settings option. 
  • Then press the General button and select the General button.



  • ESRS (Encounters Status Reset Settings): 

  • PREIS (Puerto Rico Electronic Immunization System): Section to enable transmission to the Puerto Rico immunization registry system (PREIS). This information is provided only by the Puerto Rico Department of Health. 

  • Doc. Types: Section where the types of documents to be used in the centers and offices are configured.

  • ACL: Section where the IP's of the centers and offices are configured. 

  • eLab Settings: The folder where the information from the laboratories will be received is specified. 

  • Save: Saves all changes on the screen.
  • Previous: Closes the screen.


  • Account Lockout: Number of times allowed for the user to fail to enter his password. Once the number of times allowed has been reached, the account will be locked, and the user will have to call the administrator to reactivate the account.
  • Account Timeout: Amount of time that the Login will be activated again when the user is not using the application.

  • Enforce password complexity rules: When this option is selected, the administrator assigns a password or the user changes his password, he must use capital letters, symbols and numbers.
  • Prevent using the same password in less than ___ times.: Identify the number of times the user has to fail to type the same password.
  • Minimum password length: The amount in this box will be the minimum number of characters required to create the password.
  • Logout the user if timeout is reached: By selecting this option, in the event of an Account Timeout, users will be logged out of the system. Any work that was pending to be saved, at the time of the system logout, will be lost. 
  • Enforce DOB confirmation upon arrival: By selecting this option, you can force the display of the patient's date of birth confirmation message, upon arrival, on the Workflow screen.
  • Load Patient Pictures (might affect overall performance): When this option is selected, the patient's photo image will be displayed, when this option is selected.
  • Use of email in print outs: Selecting this option allows the display of the provider's e-mail address in the progress note. 
  • Automatically save new medication sigsSelecting this option will automatically save the Sig'ss of the new medications added.
  • Enforce snomed selection after a new dx is added: Al seleccionar esta opción, se desplegará la pantalla de Snomed Selection, al momento de agregar un nuevo diagnóstico, para la selección del código de "Snomed", relacionado al nuevo diagnóstico seleccionado. 
  • Prescription Summary: Selecting this option allows the summary of the recipes. 
  • Allow add new dxs from patient's orders: Selecting this option allows new diagnoses to be added to patient orders. 
  • Enable interval patients alerts: By selecting this option, you can enable the interval of patient alerts. 
  • Filter Appointments by provider workdays: Allows you to filter patient appointments according to the provider's office hours.
  • Use ER Main Menu: Selecting this option will display the main screen for use in an emergency room. (For this option to be displayed, the facility must be identified on the Office Information screen as Is an emergency room).
  • Disable Appointment Cache: Selecting this option disables the cache to improve performance in databases with a high volume of citations.
  • ER Disable Workflow Send to Billing: When selected, it disables the message to send the encounter to be invoicing when closing the encounter.
  • Restrict appointments time frames - Selecting this option allows you to display appointments for a period of 7 days. 
  • Lock Clinical Evaluation provider selections: Selecting this option allows you to block the selected provider's options. 
  • Block appointments outside of working hours: By selecting this option, the user will not be able to create appointments outside of office or provider hours.  
  • Disable workflow location auto popup: Selecting this option will disable the Edit Patient Location screen when exiting the patient's clinical evaluation in the Workflow screen.
  • Use Default Advanced Patient Search: Selecting this option allows you to use the advanced patient search as Default. 
  • Auto open clinical decision support per patient: Selecting this option allows the display of the Clinical Decision Support screen each time you enter a patient progress note. 
  • Disable Audit Log: Selecting this option disables the audit log.
  • Enable Progress Notes Signoffs: Selecting this option enables the Encounter Signoffs screen in the Clinical Records section.  
  • Keep Past Encounters Control Open: Selecting this option allows the display of the screen again, when opening a progress note, from the Past Encounters screen. 
  • Use Appointments List View: Selecting this option allows you to use the quick appointment management screen. 
  • Print Progress Note with every encounter item: When selected, it allows the display of all sections of all sections in the progress note printout, even if not configured in the Progress Note Template Settings. 
  • Block Addendum Notes after 30 days of closing a progress note: By selecting this option, you can disable the Addendum notes after 30 days of closing a progress note. 
  • Hide clinical documents page numbers on print: Selecting this option allows you to hide the page numbers of clinical documents when printing them. 
  • Hide deleted clinical tasks on the progress note: Selecting this option allows you to hide the page numbers of the clinical documents when printing them. 
  • Notification Duration__ seconds: Field that allows you to select the time in seconds that you want the message to be displayed at the moment of the Login. 
  • HCC Label Text: Allows to configure the text of the HCC labels. 
  • System Access Message: The message configured in this section is displayed in the Login screen.

  • Sample Message: Warning: Authorized system users only. Any unauthorized attempt to access private clinical data will be recorded and subject to prosecution.

Audit Log Settings: Events that are recorded, for the purpose of system logging, may not be edited. 

Important Note:

 *** Any changes made on this screen, will take effect, when the application is restarted. ***