Screen where you can view the history of the clinical tasks assigned to the patient.
Through the Side Bar section: To locate the Tasks History button, click on it in the Side Bar of the Progress Note screen. If the Tasks History button is not visible, click on the Settings button on the Progress Note screen's toolbar. Then, choose the Side Bar Settings option. From the available items on the right, select the Tasks History option and drag it to the items window in the lower left corner under any Side Bar category. Click the Save button to apply the changes. The Side Bar will update, and the Tasks History button will now be displayed in the chosen category.
- Recommended Article: Learn More About: Advanced Progress Note / Settings / Side Bar Settings
Through the Search section: Click on the Search button located on the left side of the screen, then select the Tasks History option.
- Recommended Article: Learn More About: Advanced Progress Note / Search
- Print: Allows to print the patient's pending clinical tasks
- Completed Tasks: Section where the list of all completed clinical tasks will be displayed. By selecting them, the detail will be displayed in the Treatment section.
- On Going Tasks: Section where the list of pending clinical tasks will be displayed. By selecting them, the detail will be displayed in the Treatment section.
- Treatment: Section where the detail of the selected clinical task and the final notes will be displayed.
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