Main screen for the patient's appointments management.
Through Patients
- Select the Patients button in the Main Menu.
- Next, click on the Appointments button found in the Patients toolbar.
Through QuickLinks
- Click on the QuickLinks text at the top of the Main Menu screen.
- Choose the Appointments screen.
- Alternatively, click on the Patients button. When you're on the Patients screen, press the Appointments button situated at the top of the screen.
Through Appointments
- Click on the Appointments button, located in the Main Menu screen.
- Backward: Allows you to return, one day in advance in the calendar.
- Forward: Allows to move, one day later in the calendar.
Calendar (View)
- Day View: Display the calendar by day.
- Work Week View: Display the calendar, by working days
- Week View: Display the calendar, per week.
- Month View: Displays the calendar, per month.
- More
Billing: Allows you to register the payment of the visit or go to the invoicing module.
Eligibility: Displays administrative alerts for the selected patient. Alerts can be configured based on last visit, pending balance, medical plan or patient type.
- Internal Referrals: It will display the list of patients who have referrals with internal providers of the center or office, in order to create a pending appointment for them.
- Reports: When pressed, it allows access to the screen where you can generate reports on patient appointments and send reminders to patients. Several options and fields have been added to this screen.
- Schedule: Allows you to create recurring appointments for a patient with a specific provider and/or office.
- Save Layout: Allows you to save the screen layout, according to the user's preference.
- Workflow: Displays the Workflow screen.
- Office Directory: Allows to display the screen to register the contacts of the office or center.
- Side Panel: By pressing this button, a panel will be displayed on the right side of screen. User has the option to hide it or to be displayed.
- View Date Selector: When selected, the calendar will be displayed.
- View Patient Search: When selected, the patient search section will be displayed.
- View Patients Details: When selected, the Appointment Detail section will be displayed.
- Show Work Time Only: When selected, it will only display the calendar, with the hours worked by the supplier.
- Save Layout: When pressed, it allows you to save the configured design.
Alerts: Displays the administrative alerts for the selected patient. The alerts can now be configured by user and groups, and you can select the time you want them to be displayed. In addition, they can be assigned to the Reminders section, repeated and printed.
General Alerts: Allows you to go to the patient's administrative alerts screen (These alerts are configured in the Settings / Office / Office Alerts screen).
Patient Alert History: Allows you to go to the screen where the history of the patient's alerts will be displayed (These are the alerts that were created in this screen by pressing the Alert / New Patient Alert button or in the Appointment screen by right clicking on the cited patient, they can only be seen in the Patient Detail and Appointment screens).
New Patient Alert: Allows the creation of a patient alert, which will be displayed when the Patient Details screen is opened again, or an attempt is made to open the Patient Details screen from the “Appointments” screen.
- Search:
Appointment Search: Allows you to search for appointments for a patient at a specific office and/or provider.
Lookup: Allows you to search for past, future or all appointments for a specific patient.
View Orders:
- View Orders: Displays the patient's orders. These can be prescriptions, referrals or lab orders.
- View Summary: Displays the summary, in terms of treatment given to the patient, during that day.
- View Resources:
Providers: Select the provider(s), which will be displayed in the appointment screen.
Offices: Select the office(s), which will be displayed in the appointment screen.
- Side Panel: When pressed, the panel, located on the right side of the screen, will be displayed. The user has the option to leave it displayed or hide it.
- Previous: Press, to return to the previous screen.
- Appointments Grid: Area to add, edit, delete or move appointments. Confirmed appointments, will be identified with a green Check Mark on the right side of the patient's name.
- Appointment Detail: Section where the patient's appointment details are created such as: primary plan, secondary plan, office to be attended among others. In this section, the user will be able to view future patient appointments and delete if necessary.
- Information Bar: This section will be displayed by clicking the information button on the selected patient. Here you will be able to view the patient's demographic information, verify eligibility, record signature, view orders and edit the appointment.
Panel Buttons
- Eligibility: Allows to perform the eligibility search of the patient's medical plan.
- Search: Allows you to search for patient appointments. This screen works in the same way as the Lookup screen.
- Patients Detail: Allows to display the patient's demographic information screen.
- Reports: Allows you to create reports of appointments. In it, you will be able to see the patients, who left the office or center without being attended, in the Runaway column.
Schedule: Allows you to create recurring appointments, for a patient with a specific provider and/or office. Most often used in Ob/Gyn.
Refresh: Allows to refresh screen.
Settings: Allows you to configure office or center hours, appointment types, exam rooms and/or vacation periods and holidays.
Panel Sections
- View Date Selector: Section, to facilitate the management of patient appointment dates.
- Patient's: Section to search for a patient. Once you have found the patient, press the left mouse button and drag to the appointment time, which you want to place in the calendar.
- Appointment Details: Section where you will be able to see the details of the selected patient.
- Arrived: Selecting this checkbox indicates that the patient has arrived at the office. Likewise, it functions as a way to visualize if the patient has arrived, just by selecting it in the calendar.
Edit: Display the Appointments Details screen, to edit the appointment of the selected patient.
- Left the office without attended: Select this checkbox to indicate that the patient left without being seen (Note: Selecting this option will display the appointment report as Runaway).
- Delete: Allows to delete the patient's appointment.
- Refresh Details: Allows updating, appointment details and notifications.
- Documents: Allows to add documents to the selected patient.
- Notes: Displays the appointment notes and the notes created, in the Patient Details screen, for the selected patient.
- Insurance: Displays the image of the selected patient's primary and secondary medical plan.
- Past Appointments: When selecting this tab, once the Refresh button is pressed, the selected patient's past 4 months of appointments will be displayed.
- Arrived: The event is identified by selecting the Arrived At checkbox on the Appointment Detail screen when the patient arrives at the office.
- Attended: The event is identified, once the encounter tied to the patient's appointment is closed.
- No Show: The event is identified, when the patient is on schedule, but did not report to the office.
Refresh Details: Press this button once you have made a change in the patient's record. It will automatically update the information for the selected patient.
Documents: Displays the Documents screen of the selected patient.
- Show Work Time Only: By selecting this option, the calendar will only display the provider's working hours.
- Save Layout: When selected, it will save the design and display, according to the user's configuration and/or preference.
Options by pressing the right mouse button on the selected patient:
- Open: Display the appointment details of the selected patient.
- Set status as: Allows you to change the type of appointment for the selected patient.
- Set area as: Allows you to change the room in which the selected patient is located.
- Cut: Allows you to cut the appointment of the selected patient.
- Copy: Allows you to copy the appointment of the selected patient.
- Paste: Allows you to paste the appointment of the selected patient.
- Delete: Allows you to delete the appointment of the selected patient.
- Send SMS to Patient: Allows sending a text message to the selected patient.
- View Log: Displays the user who created, edited and added any notes related to the patient's appointment.
Recommended Article:
- FAQ's: Patients / Appointments