Main screen designed for managing appointments.
Through Appointments
- Click on the Appointments button, in the Main Menu screen.
Through QuickLinks
- Click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen, and select the Appointments option.
Through Patients
- Click on the Patients button, in the Main Menu, located at the top of screen.
- Next, click on the Appointments button located at the top of the screen.
- Backward: Click the button to go back to the previous day on the calendar.
- Forward: Click to advance to the next day on the calendar.
Calendar (View)
- Day View: Show today's appointments.
- Work Week View: Display the work week's appointments.
- Week View: Display a week's worth of appointments.
- Month View: Display a month's worth of appointments.
- More
Billing: Click to record a patient payment or to access the billing module.
Eligibility: Click to verify the plan and medication eligibility for the chosen patient, or choose 'Group Eligibility' to check the eligibility of all patients scheduled for appointments today.
- Internal Referrals: Display the list of patients with referrals to the facility's internal providers to schedule a pending appointment.
- Reports: Click to access the report options for the appointment's module, which includes Appointments Reports or Patient Reminders. An option to export daily appointments is now available.
- Schedule: Create recurring appointments.
- Save Layout: Enables the storage of the user's preferred layout.
- Workflow: Displays the Workflow screen.
- Office Directory: To register the contacts for an office or center, display the screen designated for contact information entry.
- Side Panel: Pressing this button will display a panel on the right side of the screen. The user can choose to either hide it or keep it visible.
- View Date Selector: Selecting this option will display the calendar.
- View Patient Search: Selecting this option will display the patient search section.
- View Patients Detail: Selecting the "Appointment Detail" section will display its contents.
- Show Work Time Only: When selected, the calendar will display only the hours during which the provider is available.
- Save Layout: Saves the configured layout.
Alerts: Includes office and patient alerts.
General Alerts: Displays office alerts relevant to the selected patient. (These can be configured in the Settings module.)
Patient Alert History: Displays the alert history for the selected patient. (Excludes office alerts.)
New Patient Alert: The screen to create custom patient alerts is now open. These alerts will be displayed once the patient's arrival is recorded in the appointment entry or when the Patient Details record is accessed for that patient.(Example: A reminder that the patient has an outstanding balance, or that lab results are anticipated.)
- Search:
Appointment Search: Enables searching for a patient's appointment with a specific office and/or provider.
Lookup: Search past or future appointments for a specific patient.
- View Orders:
- View Orders: This feature displays all orders created for the selected patient, including prescriptions, referrals, lab or X-ray orders, among others.
- View Summary: Displays a summary of the treatment administered to the patient on that particular day.
- View Resources:
Providers: Specify the provider to be shown on the appointments grid.
Offices: Specify the office that will be displayed on the appointment screen.
- Side Panel: Upon pressing, a panel on the right side of the screen will appear. Users have the choice to either keep it expanded or conceal it.
- Previous: Press this to go back to the previous screen.
- Appointments Grid: The area is designed to add, edit, delete, or move appointments. Confirmed appointments will be marked with a green checkmark on the right side of the patient's name.
Appointment Detail: This section allows for the creation of an appointment and the addition of details such as the Primary Plan, Secondary Plan, Phone, and Mobile, among others. The user can also view the patient's future appointments and delete them if necessary.
- Information Bar: Upon selecting an appointment, the bar will show certain demographic information of the patient.
Panel Buttons
- Eligibility: Enables the search for a patient's health plan eligibility.
- Search: This function enables the search for patient appointments and operates identically to the Lookup screen.
- Patients Detail: Displays the Patients screen.
- Reports: Enables the creation of appointment reports, featuring a Runaway column to track patients who departed the office without evaluation.
Schedule: This feature allows the creation of recurring appointments for a patient with a specific provider and/or office, most commonly utilized in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Refresh: Allows to refresh screen.
Settings: Enables configuration of office or center hours, appointment types, exam rooms, as well as vacations and holidays.
Panel Sections
- View Date Selector: Section focused on the management of patient appointment dates.
- Patient's: To search for a patient, navigate to the designated section. After locating the patient, click and hold the left mouse button to drag their name to the desired appointment time on the calendar.
- Appointment Details: Section dedicated to viewing the details of the selected patient.
- Arrived: Checking this box signifies that the patient has arrived at the office. Similarly, it serves as a method to check the patient's arrival by simply selecting it on the calendar.
Edit: Display the Appointments Details screen, to edit the appointment, of the selected patient.
- Left the office without attended: Check this box to indicate that the patient was left unattended. Note: Selecting this option will list it as "Runaway" in the citation report.)
- Delete: Enables the deletion of a patient's appointment.
- Refresh Details: Enables the updating of appointment details.
- Documents: Enables the addition of documents to the selected patient's file.
- Notes: Displays appointments and notes for a selected patient.
- Insurance: Displays the images of the primary and secondary medical plans for the selected patient.
- Past Appointments: Selecting this tab and pressing the Refresh button will display the patient's past appointments from the previous four months.
- Arrived: The event is marked as Arrived At in the Appointment Detail screen when the patient arrives at the office.
- Attended: The event is recognized once the encounter associated with the patient's appointment has conclude.
- No Show: This event occurs when a patient is scheduled but fails to arrive at the office.
Refresh Details: Click this button after making any changes to the patient's record. The information for the selected patient will be updated automatically.
Documents: Displays the Documents screen for the selected patient.
- Show Work Time Only: Selecting this option will configure the calendar to display only the working hours of the provider.
- Save Layout: Upon selection, the design and deployment will be saved in accordance with the user's configuration and/or preferences.
Right-clicking on a selected patient displays a menu with various options.
- Open: Enables the display of appointment details for the selected patient.
- Set status as: Enables the modification of the appointment type for the selected patient.
- Set area as: Enables the change of room for the selected patient.
- Cut: Enables the cancellation of the selected patient's appointment.
- Copy: Enables the copying of the appointment for the selected patient.
- Paste: Please provide the appointment details for the chosen patient.
- Delete: This function deletes the appointment for the chosen patient.
- Send SMS to Patient: Enables the sending of text messages to a selected patient.
- View Log: Display the user who created, edited, and added a note related to the patient's appointment.
Recommended Articles:
- FAQ's: Appointments