Screen used to document the details of past deliveries, including abortions.
- Delivery
- Buttons
- Print: Prints a report of the delivery history.
- Add
- DOB: Date of birth (If applicable).
- Type of Pregnancy (Single, Spontaneous Abortion, Induced Abortion, Ectopic, Twins, Triplets, Multiple, Dead)
- Weeks and Days: Duration of pregnancy
- Place
- Delivery Type: Cesarean or Vaginal
- Anesthesia: Spinal, Epidural, General (If applicable).
- Notes
- Pre-term (true / false)
- Edit
- Deactivate
- Cancel
- Save
- Previous: Return to previous screen.
- Filters: Toggle between Active, Inactive or All deliveries.
- Buttons
- Delivery Child Details: Details of delivery entries.
- Buttons
- Add: Add date of birth, height, weight, type of delivery and diagnosis.
- Buttons
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