
Screen where you can work the reconciliation of insurance company payments. In this screen you can work with pending and disputed claims, add payments from insurance companies, print the report of payments from the office or print the report of a specific insurance company and work with the Vouchers.


Through the Main Menu
  • On the main screen, press the Billing button. 
  • Then, press the Reconcile button, located at the top of the screen. 
Through QuickLinks
  • On the main screen, click on the QuickLinks text located at the top of the screen and select the Billing option. 
  • Then, press the Reconcile button, located at the top of the screen. 
Through Patients
  • On the Patient Details screen, press the Billing button located at the top of the screen and select the Go To Billing option. 
  • Then, press the Reconcile button, located at the top of the screen. 
Through Appointments 
  • On the Appointments screen, press the Billing button located at the top of the screen and select the Go To Billing option. 
  • Then, press the Reconcile button, located at the top of the screen. 


  • Refresh: When pressed, it updates the screen. 
  • Payer Summary: This button will be enabled when selecting a payment and will display the aging detail and summary of the medical plan. 
  • Dispute: When pressed, the Dispute Claims screen will be displayed, where you can edit the first 10 claims, view the list of payments or send for transmission. 

  • Print: It allows to print the payments to be reconciled. The user will be able to print in two ways. 
    • Listing: Selecting this option displays a report of all checks received from insurers. Use the filters section to specify date, specific insurers, specific periods, etc.
    • Selected Items Detail: When selected, it will display the report detailing the claims paid by that check (*Only in those cases where manual reconciliation has been performed. *).
  • Add Payment: When pressed, the Insurance Payment screen will be displayed to register the insurance payment. 

  • Vouchers: When pressed, the Electronic Payments Vouchers (835) screen of the insurance company payments will be displayed. 

  • Previous: Allows you to return to the previous screen.
  • Filtros: This section allows the user to filter the information on insurance company payments. Currently, it can be filtered by date, insurer, provider and status. Among the available statuses are: 
  • From: Allows you to filter the screen by the date the payment was received. 
  • To: Allows filtering the screen by the date up to which payments were received. 
  • Search: Allows you to filter the screen, when searching by check reference number.
Note: Press the Enter key to perform the search. 
  • Payer: Allows you to filter the screen by insurance company.
  • Provider: Allows you to filter the screen by provider. 
  • Status: Allows you to filter the display by status. The following are:
    • New: When selected, it will display only new check payments.
    • Reviewing: When selected, it will display only the checks under review. 
    • Closed: When selected, it will display only checks that are already closed. 
  • Tabla: Section where the checks received by the insurance company will be displayed. 

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