There are various ways to set up different types of appointments in an office or facility.

Option #1

  • Navigate to the Appointments screen. 
  • To access the settings, click on the Settings button located in the side panel on the right side of the screen.

  • The Appointment Settings screen will be displayed: 

  • Click the Addbutton on the screen's toolbar, then choose the Appt. Types option.

  • The following screen will be displayed:


  • To create a new appointment type, click the Add button located at the top of the screen.

  • Enter the description for the new appointment type in the Type field.

  • Choose a color to distinguish the type of appointment created.

  • Choose the office option to attach the created appointment type.

  • To have a specific appointment type automatically displayed when creating an appointment, ensure to select the Is Default checkbox.

  • To have your appointment confirmed through an automatic text message, please select the Appt Confirmations box. Note that the chosen office must have the text messaging service activated, or you should reach out to our service staff for assistance with setting it up.

  • Select the Save button.

  • To exclude the appointment type you've created, click on the Cancel button.

Option #2

  • Select the QuickLinks text at the top of the screen.
  • Choose the Settings option. 
  • The following screen will be displayed: 
  • Click the Office button, then choose the Appointments option.

  • The Appointment Settings screen will be displayed: 

  • Click the Add button on the screen's toolbar, then choose the Appt. Types option.

  • The following screen will be displayed:


  • To create a new appointment type, click the Add button located at the top of the screen.

  • Enter the description for the new appointment type in the Type field.

  • Choose a color to distinguish the type of appointment created.

  • Choose the office option to attach the created appointment type.

  • To have a specific appointment type automatically displayed when creating an appointment, ensure to select the Is Default checkbox.

  • To have your appointment confirmed through an automatic text message, please select the Appt Confirmations box. Note that the chosen office must have the text messaging service activated, or you should reach out to our service staff for assistance with setting it up.

  • Select the Save button.

  • To exclude the appointment type you've created, click on the Cancel button.

Option #3

  • Select the Settings button from the main menu.

  • The following screen will be displayed: 
  • Click the Office button, then choose the Appointments option.

  • The Appointment Settings screen will be displayed: 

  • Click the Add button on the screen's toolbar, then choose the Appt. Types option.

  • The following screen will be displayed:


  • To create a new appointment type, click the Add button located at the top of the screen.

  • Enter the description for the new appointment type in the Type field.

  • Choose a color to distinguish the type of appointment created.

  • Choose the office option to attach the created appointment type.

  • To have a specific appointment type automatically displayed when creating an appointment, ensure to select the Is Default checkbox.

  • To have your appointment confirmed through an automatic text message, please select the Appt Confirmations box. Note that the chosen office must have the text messaging service activated, or you should reach out to our service staff for assistance with setting it up.

  • Select the Sav button.

  • To exclude the appointment type you've created, click on the Cancel button.

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