
The menu includes traditional options such as Appointments, Patient Details, Billing, Clinical, Reports, and Settings, along with additional features that streamline office management: New Claims, Payments, Eligibility, Help, Workflow, E-labs, and Message Center.

Main Menu Header  

Welcome: To display the name of the logged-in user.

  • Work Offline: It enables you to work without needing an internet connection.
  • Show Status Bar: The application status will be displayed at the top of the screen.
  • Mute Notifications: Disables the notifications. 
  • Enable Emergency Access: Enables emergency access.
  • Clear Documents Cache: Allows you to delete and redownload documents. 
  • Change Password: Enables the user to change their password.
  • Reset All Cache: Enables to delete and re-downloading of information regarding procedures, management of favorites, frequent controls, orders, signatures, and Evaluation Templates.
  • Lock Screen: It enables you to lock the screen for security purposes.
  • Restart: Enables the system to be rebooted.
  • Exit: Closes the application. 

QuickLinks: It provides quick access to the following screens:

  • Open Tele Medicine: It enables access to the provider via the telemedicine consultation screen. First, you must configure the telemedicine URL in the Home Settings screen.
  • Appointments: Grants access to the Appointment screen.
  • Billing: Grants access to the Billing screen. 
  • Eligibility: Grants access to the Eligibility screen. 
  • Messages: Grants access to the Messages screen. 
  • eLabs: Grants access to the screen of the management of electronic laboratories. 
  • Patients: Grants access to the patient demographic information screen. 
  • Reports: Grants access to the Custom Reports screen. 
  • Settings: Grants access to the settings screen. 
  • Staff and Providers: Provides access to the provider and clinical staff interface in the office or emergency department. 
  • Order Settings: Grants access to the order configuration screen.
  • Order Set Settings: Grants access to the command set configuration screen.
  • Settings Clinical Decision Support: Grants access to the clinical alert configuration screen. 
  • Referring Providers: Grants access to the Reference Provider configuration screen. 
  • SHA1 Checker: Displays the SHA1 Checker interface.
  • File Encryptor: Displays the File Encryptor interface.

Provider Feedback: Displays the Help Center portal webpage.

News: Displays the news section of the Help Center portal's webpage.


  • User Guide - F1: Displays the main menu description screen.
  • Medication Reference: Displays the webpage screen.
  • What's New: Display the new app features by unfolding the screen.
  • Remote Support: Display the web page screen featuring the help center information.
  • About: Display the screen with the installation information and backups of the application. 
  • Show Errors: Selecting this option will display all application errors.


  • User Profile Picture: The user's profile picture is displayed, which can be configured on the Home Settings screen.
  • Office Totals: Upon activation, it presents totals for appointments, unbilled meetings, open notes, and the prior day's meetings.
  • User Settings: Pressing it brings up the "Home Settings" screen for user configuration.

  • Exit: Pressing it will prompt the application to close. A confirmation message will then be displayed: 


  • The system displays the list of scheduled patients who have arrived at the office.
  • Info: When pressed, it displays patient information such as: record number, age, medical plan, religion, date of last visit, social security number, and any patient-related notes.
  • Send SMS to Patient: When activated, it enables the transmission of text messages to the patient.
  • T/A / Appointment Time / Arrived Time: Shows the scheduled appointment time alongside the patient's actual arrival time at the office.


  • Appointments: Grants access to the appointment module.
  • Billing: Grants access to the billing module. 
    • New Claim: Grants access to the create claims screen. 
    • Patient Payment: Grants access to the patient payment screen. 
  • Patients: Allows access to the patient demographic information module. 
  • Eligibility: Grants access to the eligibility module.
  • Reports: Grants access to the custom report module. 
    • Quality Measures: Grants access to the clinical quality measurements screen. 
    • Meaningful Use: Grants access to the screen of significant use measurements. 
  • Settings: Grants access to the settings screen.
  • Help: Grants access to the help center screen.
  • eLabs: It provides access to the management screen of electronic laboratories.
  • Message Center: Grants access to the messages screen.

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