Screen to visualize the Meaningful Use measurements. In them we will find Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 and ACI.
Through Modern Menu

- In the main menu, press the Meaningful Use button.
- In the main menu, press the Meaningful Use button, located at the top right of the screen.
- Provider: Providers, to whom the measure will be sought.
- Timeframe: Measurement period.
- From: Start date of the measure period.
- To: Date on which the measure period ends.
- Import And Calculate: Place where the summary of compliance with the measures is displayed.
- Detail: By pressing the measurement and touching the following symbol, the measurement can be displayed in detail.
- Measure Details: When the button is pressed, the following screen will be displayed. It details the people who are pending, the people who are in the denominator and those who are in the numerator.
- Right Mouse Click: By clicking the right mouse button on the table, the following options will be displayed:
- Refresh: Allows the screen to be updated.
- Expand All: It allows to expand, the detail of all the measures.
- Collapsed All: If you have selected the Expand All option, it allows you to close the detail of the measurements.
- Reset Layout: Allows you to return to the original screen design.
- Print: When selected, a report called Meaningful Use Compliance will be displayed for the selected supplier and period.
- Excel: Export to the Excel program, the table visible on the screen.
- Copy To Clipboard: Allows the selected measurement to be copied to another application.
Help: When pressed, it will automatically display the user help portal.