
Displays the users that have saved the progress note.


Through the Side Bar section: To access the Signatures button, click on it in the Side Bar of the Progress Note screen. If the Signatures button is missing, click on the Settings button on the Progress Note screen's toolbar. Then, choose the Side Bar Settings option. From the available items on the right, select the Signatures option and drag it into the items window on the lower left corner of any Side Bar category. Click the Save button to apply the changes. The Side Bar will refresh, and the Signatures button will now be visible under the chosen category.

Through the Search section: Click on the Search button located on the left side of the screen, then select the Rule Outs option.


  • Provider: Name of the provider, who saved the progress note.
  • Position: Please specify your profession (e.g., Doctor, Nurse, etc.).
  • Specialty: Indicates the specialty of the provider who completed the progress note.
  • Date: Indicates the date when the progress note was finalized.