
Screen where the office information is managed. In this screen, the colors to be used in the self-registration screen of a center or emergency room are configured. You can also create specific types of alerts. 


Through Settings

  • In the Main Menu, press the Settings button.
  • Press the Office button and select the Office Information button. 

A través de "QuickLinks"

  • In the main menu, click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen. 
  • Select the Settings option. 
  • Then, click on the Office button and select the Office Information button.



  • Auto Register Config: When pressed, it allows you to configure the self-registration screen of the center or emergency room.  

  • Office Alert: By selecting an office and pressing this button, the screen will be displayed, where the center or emergency room alerts are configured.  
  • Add: (When adding an office, the system will automatically restart once the Ok button on the displayed message is pressed).
  • Edit: Allows you to edit the selected center or emergency room.
  • Updating the office address, phone and fax numbers may affect the provider's delivery of electronic prescriptions. 

  • Activate / Deactivate: By selecting an office from the table, you can activate the center or emergency room if it is deactivated and vice versa.
  • PreviousAllows to close the screen.

Edit Screen

Screen where the office or center information is added or edited. 


  • Save: Save the changes made on the screen. It is required to enter the name of the facility or emergency room, physical address and phone number. The information described here is what will be displayed in the Patient Details, Appointments, Billing and Reports sections.
  • Cancel: Cancel any unsaved changes.
  • Add Picture: Allows you to add the image or Logo of the center or emergency room. This will be displayed in the header of all reports.


  • Description: Allows you to enter the name of the emergency room or center.
  • Same as Physical: Selecting this checkbox will copy the physical address to the postal address automatically. 
  • Physical Address: Allows you to add the physical address of the emergency room or center.  
  • Postal Address: Allows you to add the mailing address of the emergency room or center. 
  • Office Logo: Allows to add the logo or picture of the center or emergency room, by pressing the Add Picture button. 
  • Phone / Ext.: Allows you to add two telephone numbers of the emergency room or center and an extension. 
  • Fax: Allows you to add the number of the emergency room or center. 
  • Email: Allows you to add the e-mail address of the emergency room or center. 
  • Website: Allows you to add, the web page of the emergency room or center. 
  • Is Emergency Room: By checking this box, you are indicating that the location falls under the category of an emergency room or center (You should contact our customer service staff at 787-625-0440).
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN): Register the identification number of the emergency room or center. 
  • National Provider Identification (NPI): Register the provider's national identification.
  • JCAHO: Allows to register, the type of organization, under accreditation of health organizations, by the joint commission. 
  • Other: Allows you to record any other information relevant to the office. 
  • Time Zone: Select the time of the geographical area. 
  • External ID: Register the external identification number.