This screen is used to configure the Templates used in the established sections within the application.
Through Settings
- In the Main Menu, press the Settings button.
- Press the Office button and then select the Templates button.
Through QuickLinks
- In the main menu, click on the QuickLinks text located at the top of the screen.
- Click the Office button and then select the Templates button.
- Document Types: It allows to configure the categories of the Templates. These options can be edited by the user (this screen can be accessed from Settings / General / General).
- Procedure Templates: Allows you to apply a Template to a specific procedure. When pressed, the following screen will be displayed:
- Reminder Email Templates: Allows you to create a Template, to be sent by e-mail, when sending a Reminder.
- Template Sets: Allows to configure the Templates, to be used in the Consent Forms section, in the Encounter Documents.
- Add: Allows to add a new Template.
- Edit: Allows to edit an existing Template.
- Delete: Allows to delete a Template.
- Cancel: Allows you to cancel any changes made on the screen.
- Save: Saves the changes made on screen.
- Previous: Allows to close the screen.
- Parent Category: Master classification of the Templates. Among the options are: BILLING, GENERAL, CLINICAL, OTHER.
- Category: Corresponding category of the Template.
- Edit Category: Allows you to edit the options displayed in the list of categories.
- Template Description: Template title.
- Ignore default template header: By selecting this box, the original header of the Template can be ignored.
- Is required (ER): The Templates with this box selected are the ones that are displayed in the Consent Forms screen in the emergency room version.
- Is Discharge (ER): The Templates with this box selected will be the ones displayed in the Plan Care screen, in the Discharge Instructions / Available Documents section. This is for emergency rooms only.
- Documents Forms: The Templates with this box selected will be displayed in the Documents Forms screen, by pressing the Add Discharge Documents button, located at the top of the screen.
- Edit Template: When pressed, displays the selected Template in the text editor.
- Custom Content: When pressed, it displays the screen to create a custom Template.
- Patient Info: Displays the Keywords of the patient's demographic information.
- Clinical: Displays the Keywords of the patient's clinical information.
- Billing: Displays the Keywords of the patient's medical plan information.
- Office: Displays the Keywords of the office information.
- Reminder: Displays the Keywords of patient, provider, office and appointment date information.
- Keyword Selection: Display the configured Keywords in the Settings / Office / Templates Selection Keywords screen.
- Date: It automatically displays the date link.
- Check Box: Automatically displays the box.
- Signatures: Displays the Keywords of the patient, provider, other or user signatures.
- Previous: Allows to close the screen.