Screen where the Templates of the progress notes to be used in the clinical evaluation of the patient are configured. They can be organized or configured in the order of priority or sequence in which you want them to be displayed, if more than one patient encounter is performed.
Through Settings
- In the main menu, click on the Settings button.
- Press the Settings button and then press the Staff & Providers button.
- On the Staff and Providers screen, press the PN Settings button, located at the top of the screen.
Through QuickLinks
- In the main menu, click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen.
- Select the Settings option. Then, click on the General button and click on the Staff & Providers button.
- On the Staff and Providers screen, press the PN Settings button, located at the top of the screen.
Through QuickLinks
- In the main menu, click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen.
- Select the Staff and Providers option.
- On the Staff and Providers screen, press the PN Settings button, located at the top of the screen.
Through Advanced Progress Note
- On the progress note screen, press the Settings button, located at the top of the screen.
- Select the Progress Templates Settings option.
- Edit Priority: When pressed, it allows you to configure the order of priority of the progress note Templates, either by providers, clinical staff or groups in the center or emergency room.
- Copy Templates: When pressed, it allows you to copy a Template from a provider to group, group to provider, provider to provider or group to group, and in turn, you can replace the current configuration of the provider or group to which you will pass the selected configuration.
- Create General Progress Note: When pressed, it will automatically create a Template of a progress note, generic or basic.
- New: When pressed, it allows you to create a Template progress note.
- Edit: Select the Template you want to edit, then press to make the corresponding changes.
- Delete: Select the Template you wish to delete, then press to delete it.
- Save: When pressed, it allows you to save the configured Template or the modifications made to a previously configured Template.
- Cancel: When pressed, cancels all actions.
- Previous: Press to close the screen.
- Templates: Allows to write the description of the Template of the progress note.
- Provider / Groups: Allows you to select the supplier or group to which the Template will be configured. If you do not select any of the alternatives, the Template will be available to all.
- Filter Templates: Allows to filter the Templates.
- Is Default: Select this checkbox if you want the Template configured to be the default.
- Gender: Allows you to configure the Template, by gender.
- Age From / Age To: Allows you to configure the Template, by age range.
- Vital Signs is required: When selecting this box, and if the Template to be used contains the Vital Signs section, you will be required to add the patient's vital signs before closing the progress note.
- Dx is required: By selecting this checkbox, and if the Template to be used contains the Problem List section, you will be required to add diagnostics to the encounter before closing the progress note.
- Type: Allows you to select the type of group, to which the configuration will be assigned, either by Physician, Non-Physician or group.
- Priority: Allows you to sort the order of priority of deployment of the Templates of progress notes.
- Include Wonk Baker: When selected, it allows to add to the Template of the progress note, the pain scale.
- Templates Items: Column where the sections chosen in the Available Items column for the Template configuration are displayed.
- Available Items: Where all available sections are displayed, to be displayed in the progress note.
- Order Set: Allows to select an Order Set, for the configuration of the Template.
- Closing Procedures Codes: Allows you to select the procedure codes when closing the progress note.
- Encounter Diagnosis Codes: Allows you to select the diagnostic codes of the encounter.