Main screen for patient management in an emergency room. The user will be able to perform several functions such as: configure the reason for the visit, print report of the orders sent to the patient, view the history of patients that were removed from the Arrivals section, add documents, create reports of patient management in the emergency room, view report of pending and completed clinical tasks. It has three sections, Lobby, Admitted Patients and Patient Dashboard. The latter can only be accessed by the user identified as a provider (This menu will only be enabled if the facility is identified as an emergency room and with the Use ER option in the General Settings screen).
Screen with the Patient Dashboard displayed, to have a better visualization of patient information.
Buttons (upper right part of the screen)
- Past Encounters: When pressed, displays the screen to search for any patient, to access the selected patient's past encounters.
- Patient Details: When pressed, displays the Patient Details screen. Or, it displays the selected patient's demographic information.
- Billing: When pressed, it displays the billing screen.
- Lock Screen: When pressed, allows you to lock the screen for security purposes.
- Exit: Press to close the application.
- Add Arrival: When pressed, it allows you to register the patient arriving at the emergency room. The list of patients will be organized in the order in which they arrive.
- Edit Arrival: Pressing it allows you to edit the selected patient's information, such as date of birth, phone number, reason for visit, and if necessary, the person accompanying the patient. Note: If you edit any of the patient's demographic information fields, press the Update Patient and Save button to save the changes to the Patients Details screen.
- Assign Patient: When pressed, it allows you to assign the selected patient to an evaluation room, select the provider by which he/she will be attended, register the category, if not previously configured, so that it comes out as default and write a note. When a patient is assigned to the evaluation room of the center or emergency room, he/she will automatically go to the Admitted Patients section.
- Remove Patient: Pressing allows you to remove the selected patient from the list. If you do not have a progress note open, the screen will be displayed to select the reason why you are removing the patient.
- If the patient has any open progress notes, the following message will be displayed:
- Search: Allows to search for the patient.
- By None (Default): Displays the list of all patients.
- By Arrival: Displays the list of patients who arrived at the center or emergency room, either ascending or descending.
- By Patient: It will display the list, by the selected patients, either in ascending or descending order.
- By Subject: It will display the list, by the main complaint, either in ascending or descending order.
- By Companion: It will display the list, by the patient's companion, either in ascending or descending order.
- Show in Groups: You must have selected to filter the section by the different categories mentioned above.
Admitted Patients
This section displays the patients admitted to the emergency room or who have been assigned to a provider or clinical staff to be treated. From this section, the user can assign the area, size and type of bed where the patient is located. You will be able to view and edit notes, change evaluation rooms, among others.
- Date / To: The system displays by Default, a date range of three days. The user can select the date range he/she wants to display the patients.
- Todays (Enlace): Updates both dates and displays the list of patients for the current day.
- Refresh: When pressed, it allows you to refresh the screen.
- View: Selection of options for displaying the Admitted Patients section.
- My Patients: Displays the list, by patients assigned, to the connected provider.
- Discharged Patients: Displays the list of patients, who were discharged.
- Patients with X-Rays pending: Displays the list of patients with pending studies.
- Patients with Labs pending: Displays the list of patients, with pending laboratories.
- Search: Allows to perform the patient search.
- Record No: Displays the patient's record number.
- Patient: Display the patient's name.
- Office: Displays the office, center or emergency room where the patient will be treated.
- Location: Displays the evaluation room or location, where the patient is currently located.
- Subject: Displays the main reason why the patient arrived at the center or emergency room. These are configured in the Arrivals section by pressing the Subject Settings button located at the top of the screen. They are also configured in the Settings / Clinical / Clinical Tasks Templates / Arrivals Categories screen.
- Arrival Date: Displays the date the patient arrived at the center or emergency room.
- Category: Displays the category, with which the patient was classified, upon arrival at the emergency room or center.
- Provider: Displays the provider, which was assigned to the patient.
- Has Images Tasks: Identifies if the patient has pending studies.
- Has Lab Tasks: Identify if the patient has pending labs.
- Bed Assignment: When pressed, it displays the screen to assign a bed to the patient.
- View / Edit Notes: Press to view or edit patient notes.
- Add New Location: When pressed, it allows you to select the evaluation room where the patient will be attended.
- Past Encounters: When pressed, displays the patient's past encounters screen.
- Discharge Patient: Displays the message to identify that the patient has been discharged.
Change Room Location: When pressed, it allows patients to change evaluation room or location in the emergency room.
View Clinical Tasks: When pressed, the Tasks screen will automatically be displayed so that the nurse can complete the clinical tasks assigned to the selected patient.
Discharge Patient With Disposition: Pressing indicates that the patient was discharged from the emergency room with some disposition. A Template must be selected, in order to justify the inactivity of that patient.
Room History: By pressing , you can view the patient's movement history for the evaluation rooms.
Past Encounters: When pressed, the patient's last five progress notes will be displayed.
Patient Dashboard (Tab on the right side of the screen)
- This section is displayed only if the user is logged in as a provider.
- Clinical Evaluation: When pressed, it displays the screen for clinical evaluation of the patient.
- Add Triage Evaluation: When pressed, it displays the Triage assessment screen, performed by the nurse.
- Consent Forms / Documents Forms: When pressed, it allows you to use previously configured document templates, automatically display the required previously configured documents in the Settings / Office / Templates screen, add discharge documents, register the patient's signature in multiple documents, replace keywords in all documents and replace the user's signature in selected documents.
- Planning Summary: Pressing displays the patient care screen at the time of discharge.
- Go to Patient Details: When pressed, displays the selected patient's demographic information screen.
- Refresh: When pressed, the section can be updated.
- Clinical Tasks: Displays if the patient has pending clinical tasks.
- Sticky Notes: Allows to write patient-related notes.
- Encounter Chart:
- Consent Forms: Displays the consent documents given to the patient. The documents added to the patient will be identified in green.
- Consent Forms: Displays the consent documents given to the patient. The documents added to the patient will be identified in green.
- Progress Notes: Displays all clinical evaluations performed on the patient. The closed progress notes added to the patient will be identified in green color.
- Attached to Patient: It means that the progress note is added to the patient.
Buttons (Right side of the screen)
- Print Order Sheet: When pressed, displays the report of orders sent to the patient.
- Discharged Patients: When pressed, it displays the screen of the patients, who were attended and discharged.
- Dismissals History: Displays the history of patients, who were removed from the Lobby section.
- Dispositions History: When pressed, displays the patient disposition history screen.
- Reports: Displays the report screen, related to patients, who have already been discharged and marked, Discharge.
- Active Tasks: It displays the report of the pending clinical tasks of all patients. It is used, in most cases, by nurses, mainly when there is a change of shift in the emergency room.
- Completed Tasks: Displays the report of all pending clinical tasks for all patients. (This report will only be displayed when the Mark as Completed button is clicked in the Clinical Tasks section of the progress note). It is used, in most cases, by nurses, mainly when there is a change of shift in the emergency room.
- Settings: Pressing displays the options for operating the screen and beds in the emergency room.

- Go to Patient Details: When selected, it will display the patient demographic screen.
- Signatures: When selected, it will display the screen of the users' signatures, which they documented in the progress note.
- View Orders: When selected, the screen of orders, prescriptions, referrals, educations and labs that have been sent to the patient will be displayed.
- View Order Summary: When selected, the clinical summary of the patient encounter will be displayed.