• In the progress note, press the Plan Care button, located at the top right of the screen. 

  • The following screen will be displayed: 

  • If orders were sent to the patient at the encounter, press the Print Allays Orders button located at the top of the screen. The orders will automatically be displayed for printing. 

  • Select the documents of the instructions, which will be given to the patient at the time of discharge from the emergency room, in the Discharge Instructions section, located on the left side of the screen. 

  • Select all documents, which apply to the patient's discharge instructions. (The documents displayed in this section are configured in the Settings / Office Templates screen and should be classified as Is Discharge).

  • Automatically, the document will be displayed. Perform all the actions in this regard, then press the Previous button located at the top of the screen. 

  • It will be displayed on the right side of the screen. 

  • Perform the actions corresponding to the document.

  • Next, go to the Plan of Care section. (In this section, the summary of the patient's plan of care will be displayed, in terms of prescriptions, referrals, orders and educations, which have been or will be made). 

  • To add a prescription, click on the Medication Prescription button, located in the left column of the screen. 

  • The following screen will be displayed: 

  • Proceed with the recipe. 
  • To add a referral, click on the Referrals button, located on the left side of the screen.

  • The following screen will be displayed: 

  • Proceed to make the referral. 
  • It will be automatically displayed for printing.
  • To add orders, press the Lab/X-Ray Orders button, located on the left side of the screen.

  • The following screen will be displayed: 

  • Proceed to place the orders. 
  • To add educations, press the Educational Handouts button, located on the left side of the screen.

  • The following screen will be displayed: 

  • Proceed to select the corresponding patient evaluation and treatment educations. 
  • Once you have completed the entire patient care plan summary, press the Print button located on the right side of the screen.

  • The patient care summary report will be displayed at the time of discharge from the emergency room.