This screen displays the clinical tasks attached to a specific patient. All actions completed on this screen will be stored / modified in the patients clinical record. Tasks can be created by any provider.
Note: Clinical Tasks details can be configured to be included in the patient's progress note.
** A provider must have created a clinical task for the patient in order to access the screen.
There are two(2) methods to access the clinical tasks screen:
- Click on the Clinical Tasks buttonof the selected record on the Workflow Items tab of the Workflow screen.
Click on the Clinical Tasks panel on the Workflow Items tab. Double click on the desired record to open the Clinical Tasks screen. Only patients with pending clinical tasks are listed on this panel.
- Patient Name
- Chief Complaint: As identified in the patients progress note.
Medications tab: Displays the medication ordered by the provider (as a task). The bottom of the screen displays allergies and other active medication stored in the patient record.
- Status: Check if task has been completed. (When the status is checked the background will change color to reflect that the task is no longer pending). An event must be recorded prior to being able to complete the task. Press theto add an event.
- Drug Name
- Strength
- Form
- Route
- Body Site
- Frequency
- Units
- Note: Free text.
Edit Medication
- Add Event
View medication components
- View Details: Displays the list of events recorded for this task.
- Orders & Procedures (Tab): Displays the procedures, x-rays or labs ordered for the patient.
Top Grid:
- Status: Check if task has been completed. (When the status is checked the background will change color to reflect that the task is no longer pending). An event must be recorded prior to being able to complete the task. Press theto add an event).
- Test
- Frequency
- Frequency Type
- Notes
- Add Result: Press to add Order Results.
- Delete
- View Details: Displays the list of events recorded for this task.
Bottom Grid:
- Status: Check if task has been completed. (When the status is checked the background will change color to reflect that the task is no longer pending). An event must be recorded prior to being able to complete the task. Press theto add an event).
- Procedures
- Quantity
- Notes
- Add Procedure: Press to document process.
- Delete
- View Details: Displays the list of events recorded for this task.
- General Tasks (Tab): This screen displays the providers' written instructions for patient care or treatment. The bottom panel of the screen displays stored vital signs.
Status: Check if task has been completed. (When the status is checked, the background will change color to reflect that the task is no longer pending). An event must be recorded prior to being able to complete the task. Press theto add an event).
- Instructions: Providers instructions.
- Frequency
- Frequency Type
- Notes.
- Add Event: Click to add an event related to the selected task.
- Add Vital Signs
- Delete: Inactivates the task.
- View Details: Displays the list of events recorded for this task.
- Evaluation Notes (Tab): Record general nursing or other evaluation notes. These notes are identified by the user and time stamped.
Recommended Articles:
- Learn about: Advanced Progress Note / Clinical Task
- Learn about: Setting / Clinical / Clinical Tasks Templates
- FAQ's: Advanced Progress Note / Clinical Tasks
- FAQ's: Settings / Clinical / Clinical Tasks Template