• Go to the www.mirecordclinico.com address or download the Patient Portal app.
  • In the LOGIN window of Patient Portal, enter your personal email address, password and click on the SUBMIT button.
  • When you enter the EHRez Patient Portal, you will be able to see the message box.
  • Select the message.

Web Version When opening the message in the portal through the WEB, use one of the following buttons to send a message:

REPLY THANK YOU – Click this button, if you want to reply with a Thank you message to the doctor who sent the initial message. (This will enforce the Objective 8 - MUCO07V2 metric. PATIENT ELECTRONIC ACCESS (VDT) – PATIENT USE.)

  • REPLY – Click this button, if you want to compose a message back to the provider that sent the initial message. (This will enforce the Objective 8 - MUCO07V2 metric. PATIENT ELECTRONIC ACCESS (VDT) – PATIENT USE.)
  • FORWARD – Click this button, if you want to forward the selected message to a different recipient, to the provider that sent the initial message.

Mobile Version   - When opening the message via the smartphone app, use one of the following alternatives to send a message:

REPLY THANK YOU – Click this button, if you want to reply with a Thank you message to the doctor who sent the initial message. (This will enforce the Objective 8 - MUCO07V2 metric. Patient Electronic Access (VDT) - Patient Use)

  • REPLY – Click this button, if you want to compose a message back to the provider that sent the initial message. (This will make Objective 8 - Patient Electronic Access (VDT) - Patient Use met.)
  • FORWARD – Click this button, if you want to forward the selected message to a recipient other than the provider that sent the initial message.
  • Go to the www.mirecordclinico.com address or download the Patient Portal app.
  • In the Patient Portal LOGIN window, enter your personal email address, password, and click on the SUBMIT button.
  • When you enter the EHRez Patient Portal, you will be able to see the message box.
  • Select the message.

Web Version - When opening the message on the portal through the WEB, use one of the following buttons, to send a message:

  • REPLY THANK YOU – Click this button, if you want to reply with a Thank you message to the doctor who sent the initial message. (This will enforce the Objective 8 - MUCO07V2 metric. PATIENT ELECTRONIC ACCESS (VDT) – PATIENT USE.)
  • REPLY – Click this button, if you want to compose a message back to the provider that sent the initial message. (This will enforce the Objective 8 - MUCO07V2 metric. PATIENT ELECTRONIC ACCESS (VDT) – PATIENT USE.)
  • FORWARD – Click this button, if you want to forward the selected message to someone other than the provider that sent the initial message.

Mobile Version - When opening the message through the smartphone app, use one of the following alternatives to send a message:

  • REPLY THANK YOU – Click this button, if you want to reply with a Thank you message to the doctor who sent the initial message. (This will enforce the Objective 8 - MUCO07V2 metric. Patient Electronic Access (VDT) - Patient Use)
  • REPLY – Click this button, if you want to compose a message back to the provider that sent the initial message. (This will make Objective 8 - Patient Electronic Access (VDT) - Patient Use met)
  • FORWARD – Click this button, if you want to forward the selected message to a recipient other than the provider that sent the initial message.

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