Record information on pregnancy and schedule prenatal appointments.
- Through the Side Bar section: To access the Pregnancy in the Progress Note screen, click on the Pregnancy button located on the Side Bar. If the Pregnancy button is not visible, click on the Settings button on the Progress Note toolbar. Choose the Side Bar Settings option. Then, drag and drop the Pregnancy item from the right side of the screen into the items window on the lower left corner of any Side Bar category. Click the Save button to apply the changes. The Side Bar will update, and the Pregnancy button will be displayed under the chosen category.
- Recommended Article: Learn More About: Advanced Progress Note / Settings / Side Bar Settings
- Recommended Article: Learn More About: Advanced Progress Note / Settings / Side Bar Settings
- Through the Search section: Click on the Search button located on the left side of the screen, then select the Pregnancy button.
- Recommended Article: Learn More About: Advanced Progress Note / Search
- Through the Patient Dashboard section: In the Patient Dashboard section, click on the OB Summary link, located in the Clinical Evaluation section. Or click on the More button and then select the Open Full Page.
- Pregnancy (Box): Displays current and previous pregnancies.
: Represents an active pregnancy.
- : Represents inactivated pregnancies.
- Information: Displays the user, date and time when any action was performed on the selected patient's pregnancy record.
- Visit Report: Prints a report of prenatal visits.
- Print Antepartum Report: Permite imprimir, el reporte de ante parto. (Para que se despliegue el reporte de ante parto, es necesario que el mismo sea creado por el usuario.)
- Complete Pregnancy: Click to indicate the completion of the pregnancy and to enter the birth details.
- Fetal Growth: Include images of fetal growth and associated data.
- Imported Fetal Growth: To view fetal growth information imported from EHRez version 3.5.
- Deliveries: Record information from previous deliveries.
- Add: Initiate a new pregnancy journal.
- Is Active: If checked, it indicates that the current pregnancy is active.
- Is Abortion: If checked, it indicates that the current pregnancy was a miscarriage.
- Pregnancy Type: Identify the pregnancy as either single or multiple.
- LMP: The date of the last menstrual period.
- Initial EDD: Initial estimated date of delivery.
- Final EDD: Final estimated date of delivery.
- Start: Start date of prenatal care.
- End: End date of prenatal care.
- Father Information: Register the name and telephone number of the baby's father.
- Emergency Information: Record the name and telephone number of a person who can be contacted in case of emergency.
- Notes: Pregnancy related notes. Notes added here will display on the Pregnancy Information window of the progress note screen.
- Edit: Edit the selected pregnancy record.
- Delete: Delete the selected pregnancy record
- Previous: Returns to the previous screen.
Pregnancy Visit
Information Bar
- Total Pregnancy: Total number of pregnancies the patient has had. These are classified as: “Full Term”, “Premature”.
- Abortion: Total number of abortions the patient has had. These are classified as: “Spontaneus”, “Induced”, “Extopics”.
- LMP: Date of first day of last menstrual period.
- EDD: Estimated due date.
- Tabla (Prenatal Visit): Table where the information of the prenatal visits will be displayed.
- Edit Visit: Allows you to edit the selected prenatal visit.
- Add Visit: It allows recording the details of each prenatal visit.
- Appointments: Allows to create recurring appointments.
- Prescriptions: Allows to create prescriptions.
- Procedures: Allows to add procedures to the visit.
- Evaluation: It allows to perform clinical evaluation.
- Phrases: Displays the phrases for the clinical evaluation, already configured in “Settings / Phrases Settings”.
- Update Note: Save changes made, in the note field.
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