
Screen where you can view the history of the electronic files sent to the billing service provider. 


Through Main Menu

  • On the main screen, press the Billing button. 
  • Then, press the Transmissions button located at the top of the screen and select the Transmission History option. 

Through QuickLinks

  • On the main screen, click on the QuickLinks text at the top of the screen and select the Billing option. 
  • Then, click on the Transmissions button located at the top of the screen and select the Transmission History option. 

Through Patients

  • On the Patient Details screen, press the Billing button located at the top of the screen and select the Go To Billing option. 

  • Then, press the Transmissions button located at the top of the screen and select the Transmission History option.

Through Appointments

  • On the Appointments screen, press the Billing button located at the top of the screen and select the Go To Billing option. 
  • Then, press the Transmissions button located at the top of the screen and select the Transmission History option. 


  • Filter: Section where the user can filter by date, reference number, insurer and status.
  • Tabla: List of transmitted files. This table contains the following columns:
    • Ref#: Number that identifies the transmission with the billing service provider. 
    • File Name: Name of the file, which was transmitted,
    • Type: Type of message.
    • Payer(s): Display the name of the insurance company.
    • Claim(s): Displays the number of claims, which contains the file that was transmitted to the billing service provider. 
    • Result: Displays the final result, when sending the electronic file. 
      • OK: If it has been sent correctly.
      • ERROR: If there was some type of error.
    • Date: Date the electronic file was transmitted to the billing service provider. 
  • Report: Selecting one of the 837 files in the table will display the details of the transmission. A report of the content of the claims contained in that file will be displayed.
  • Data: Selecting one of the 837 files in the table will display the details of the 837 file.