Screen of our own billing service provider.
Through Main Menu
Accepted: It means that the claim was accepted.
: Uknown: Means that the status of the claim is unknown.
: Rejected: Means that the claims were rejected.
: When pressed, displays the transaction receipt.
- On the main screen, press the Billing button.
- Then, press the Clearinghouse ACK's button, located at the top of the screen.
- On the main screen, click on the QuickLinks text located at the top of the screen and select the Billing option.
- Then, press the Clearinghouse ACK's button located at the top of the screen.
- On the Patient Details screen, press the Billing button located at the top of the screen and select the Go To Billing option.
- Then, press the Clearinghouse ACK's button, located at the top of the screen.
- On the Appointments screen, press the Billing button located at the top of the screen and select the Go To Billing option.
- Print: When pressed, it prints the receipt of submitted claims.
- Refresh: When pressed, it updates the screen, bringing the receipts that are already stored in the database.
- Check for New: When pressed, it allows you to display the processed payments from the insurers.
- Previous: Pressing allows you to return to the main billing screen.
Acknowledgement History
- Ref. #: Reference number (837).
- Payer: Display the name of the insurer (This is the code name of the insurer).
- Claims: Displays the number of claims:
- Accepted: Displays the number of claims, accepted by the insurer.
- Rejected: Displays the number of rejected claims (Rejected claims can be worked on from the same screen by clicking on the red link of the number of rejected claims).
- Total: Displays the total of all claims, accepted and rejected.
- Amounts: Displays the dollar amount of claims:
- Accepted: Displays the amount, in money, of accepted claims.
- Rejected: Displays the amount, in money, of rejected claims.
- Total: Displays the total amount in money of all claims, accepted and rejected.
- Transactions: Displays claims transaction information:
- Transmitted: Displays the date, on which the claim was transmitted.
- Downloaded: Displays the date and time when the file was downloaded.
- Status: Displays the claim status:
Accepted: It means that the claim was accepted.
: Uknown: Means that the status of the claim is unknown.
: Rejected: Means that the claims were rejected.
: When pressed, displays the transaction receipt.
- Report
- Payer: Name of insurer (This is the code name of the insurer).
- Billed To: Name of the supplier, to whom the claim is being paid.
- Downloaded: Date and time, when the claim file was downloaded.
- Reference: Reference number, provided by the file.
- Transmitted: Date the claim was transmitted.
- File: Identifies the file.
- CH Message ID: Number that identifies the file assigned by the billing provider.
- CH Processed: Date and time of acceptance.
- CH Accepted: Total claims accepted.