Important Note:

Patients who are registered as arrived in the Appointment screen will be displayed on the main menu.

  • Go to Main Menu.  

  • To select a patient, please use the panel on the left side of the screen.

  • Double-click on the selected patient. Then, choose the Progress Note Template to be used for the patient's clinical evaluation.
  • The chosen progress note will be displayed automatically.
    • Meaning of following icons: 
      • Close: The patient has been assessed by the healthcare provider, and the progress note has been finalized.

      • Open: The patient's clinical evaluation is incomplete, and the progress note remains open. The provider has the option to reopen this clinical evaluation and proceed with assessing the patient.

      • Recover Encounter: (link) The provider recorded medication and vital signs but did not save the progress note. When the provider clicks on the selected patient, the Recovered Encounters screen will appear, and they must select the correct encounter to proceed with the patient's clinical evaluation.

      • Does not have an icon: This means that when a provider double-clicks on the selected patient, a new progress note will appear

      • : Patient Information: Clicking this button will display the patient's information.

      • Send SMS to Patient: Enables the sending of a text message to a patient.

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