
Patients attended during the evaluation period with at least one closed progress note. 


Patients of denominator that at the time to close progress note had handled a copy of their clinical information either printed or sent electronically. 

What to do in EHRez?

Choose the Auto-upload clinical summary for this patient or Print Clinical Summary option at the closing of progress note in the Close Patient Encounter screen. Importan Note: Measure will not upload if patient does NOT HAVE a Direct or regular email registered in system.  

Steps to upload measure 

Option #1

Before: Important Note: In order to send information to the patient portal, it is necessary for the patient to have registered in the Patient Details screen, an email or, a Direct account.


  • When closing the progress note, on the Close Encounter screen, you will need to select the Auto-upload clinical summary for this patient option.

  • If the patient has a Direct account, registered in the Patient Details screen, the Direct field will already be populated.

  • Complete the Encounter Billable Problem List and Encounter Procedures areas with the appropriate information. 

  • Then press the Save and Close button located at the top of the screen. 
  • The clinical information will be sent to the patient through the portal.

Option #2

  • When closing the progress note on the Close Encounter screen, you will need to select the Print Clinical Summary (PDF) option.

  • Complete the Encounter Billable Problem List and Encounter Procedures areas with the appropriate information.

  • Then, press the Save and Close button located at the top of the screen. 

  • The clinical summary will be displayed on the screen, print it and give it to the patient