
Section, for the management of administrative patient alerts.


Through Main Menu

  • Select the Patients button in the Main menu. 
  • Choose a patient and then click More button, which is located at the top of screen. 
  • Next, choose Alerts option.

Through QuickLinks 

  • To access the Patients section, click on the QuickLinks text at the top of the screen in the Main Menu and choose the Patients option. 
  • In the Patients screen, select a patient and then click on the More button, which is located at the top of the screen.
  • Next, choose Alerts option.

Through Appointments

  • Select the Appointments button located in the Main Menu screen. 
  • In the Appointments screen, select a patient and then click on Patients Details button, which is located in the Side Panel section.
  • On the Patients screen, click on the More button and select the Alerts option.

General Alerts: This screen is used to display the patient's administrative alerts. These alerts can also be displayed in the Appointments screen. These alerts are configured in: Settings / Offices / Offices Alerts. Known as office alerts. 

Patient Alert History: Screen where all the alerts that have been created for that patient will be displayed. (This history does not include office alerts.) 

New Patient Alert: It will display the screen where patient alerts can be created. These alerts are customized by the user. They will be displayed when the user displays the Patient Details or Appointments screen. (e.g., reminder that the patient owes a deductible, reminder that the patient must submit labs.)

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