Screen where the claims and reconciliation flow and tips will be displayed.
From the Billing screen press the Helpbutton.
- Status Explained: A summary or explanation of the status of possible scenarios when creating claims or performing reconciliations.
- New/Pending/Printed: From Unbilled Services. Manually created. Printed 1500/UB04.
- Transmitted/Re-Transmitted: Tx - ed no response yet. Check for responses and or continue.
- TrasnsAccepted/ Errors: Clearinghouse accepted. Use editor to fix errors. No payer response yet.
- Disputing/Secondary: Payer did no pay enough. Re-Transmit to Payer. Secondary Claim to another.
- Paid/Rejected: Insurance pay exhausted. Show's up on Patient Collections.
- Closed: Insurance and/or patient paid or assumed Loss/ Write off. Removed from Aging.
- Recommended Service to Claim Lifecycle: Steps recommended to follow for the Lifecycle claims.
- Invoice
- Eligibility Screen: Check Recorded in log as Dispute Evidence
- Patient Details: Copied from Eligibility. Enter Details and scan insurance card. Update if necessary.
- Clinical Visit: Close note. Add billing procedures and F Codes.
- Unbilled Encounters:
- Create Claims: From encounters. Data entry / Manual.
- Claim Editor: Fix / Modify. Check history. Create secondary.
- Claims Aging: Manage. Print paper claims. Re-Transmit / Export. Reports.
Reconcile Payments
- Patient Payments: Pre-payments. Unbilled encounters. Post-Payments, Paid, Rejected, Past Due Collections.
- Reconcile Payments: Electronic vouchers and Data entry.
- Electronic Vouchers 835: Match claims. Create empty claims. Create payments.
- Data Entry: Mail/ Paper. Payments.
Reportes y Balances
- Billing Dashboard for Excel: Exports all transactions to excel in order to create reports.
- Closed Claims: Reports. Closed with balance.