There are several options to configure the reason for the visit. 

Option #1

  • Click on the QuickLinks text, located at the top of the screen. 

  • Select the Settings option.

  • The following screen will be displayed: 

  • Click on the Clinical button and then select the Clinical Task Templates option. 
  • The following screen will be displayed:  

  • Press the Arrivals Categories button, located at the top of the screen. 

  • The following screen will be displayed: 

  • Press the right mouse button and select the Add option.

  • The last line will be enabled to register the reason for the visit. You must write the reason in Spanish, in English and select the color with which you will identify it. These options will be used in the external self-registration program.

  • Then, identify in the Office section, the emergency room.

  • Select the category or priority of the reason for the visit.

  • Select the color, by which you will be identified, the reason for the visit. 

  • It will be displayed in the first column of the Workflow screen (it will be identified, according to the configuration, in Settings / Office / Workflow Label Settings).

  • Once you have completed setting up the reason for the visit, press the Save button.

Option #2
  • Press the Settings button in the main menu. 
  • The following screen will be displayed: 

  • Click on the Clinical button and then select the Clinical Task Templates option. 
  • The following screen will be displayed:  

  • Press the Arrivals Categories button, located at the top of the screen. 

  • The following screen will be displayed: 

  • Press the right mouse button and select the Add option.

  • The last line will be enabled to register the reason for the visit. You must write the reason in Spanish, in English and select the color with which you will identify it. These options will be used in the external self-registration program.

  • Then, identify in the Office section, the emergency room.

  • Select the category or priority of the reason for the visit.

  • Select the color, by which you will be identified, the reason for the visit. 

  • It will be displayed in the first column of the Workflow screen (it will be identified, according to the configuration, in Settings / Office / Workflow Label Settings).

  • Once you have completed setting up the reason for the visit, press the Save button.

Option #3
  • Go to the Workflow screen.

  • In the Arrivals section, click on the Subject Settings button, located at the top of the screen. 

  • The following screen will be displayed: 

  • Press the right mouse button and select the Add option.

  • The last line will be enabled to register the reason for the visit. You must write the reason in Spanish, in English and select the color with which you will identify it. These options will be used in the external self-registration program.

  • Then, identify in the Office section, the emergency room.

  • Select the category or priority of the reason for the visit.

  • Select the color, by which you will be identified, the reason for the visit. 

  • It will be displayed in the first column of the Workflow screen (it will be identified, according to the configuration, in Settings / Office / Workflow Label Settings).

  • Once you have completed setting up the reason for the visit, press the Save button.