New Functionalities and Improvements of our 5.0 version
Patients Module
- Alerts Manager - Added the information button next to the alert date to identify the user who created and the user who executed the alert.
Clinical Module
Clinical Evaluation
- Clinical Evaluation - The button was added to the far right of each segment in the Clinical Evaluation section for easy access to each area for clinical evaluation of the patient.
- The following screen will be displayed:
- Medications - If there are any medications prescribed or created that do not contain NDCs, a message will be displayed next to the selected medication. By clicking on the message, you can change the drug or simply select the Mark as Compound checkbox to indicate or identify that it is a compounded drug.
- The following screen will be displayed, for the next screen:
- Select another drug by double clicking on it.
- Or, select the Mark as Compound checkbox to identify that it is a compounded drug or mixture.
- The message will be automatically removed from the screen.
Clinical Records
- Open Progress Notes (Identificación de nota de enfermera) - The Open Progress Note section will identify if there are any progress notes made by the nurse. This will only be reflected if the office or facility has the Separate Physician and Non-Physician Notes option selected in the Settings / General/ General screen.
Close Encounter
- F Codes - Now the user will be able to add at the time of closing the progress note the F-codes according to the clinical evaluation or the F-codes through the Hedis measures.
- When selecting the F Codes option, the F codes that apply according to the clinical evaluation of the patient will be displayed. Selecting the Hedis F Codes option will display the following screen:
Módulo Reportes
- Reports - The Adv. Reports button, located at the top of the screen, has been added. It displays the most frequent preconfigured reports.
- The following screen will be displayed:
- Select the report of your choice. For this example, the Active Dx Codes report was selected. The following screen will be displayed:
- It may be printed.
Módulo de Configuración
Settings / General / Document Types
- Settings / General / Document Types - All categories of document types were added.
- All document type categories will be displayed.
Settings / Clinical / Clinical Decision Support
- Settings / Clinical / Clinical Decision Support - The entire screen has been modified. Procedures, Referrals and Compliance Assistant tabs have been added. It will also be possible to search by categories, ranges or by specific diagnoses, medications and procedures.
- Diagnosis - It will be possible to add diagnoses by category, by range and specific.
- By Category - Search by diagnostic category.
- By Range - Search by range of diagnoses.
- Specific - Search for specific diagnoses.
- Medications - Drugs may be added to the alert by category, specific or by class.
- By Category - Search by drug category.
- By Class - Search by drug class.
- Specific - Realizar búsqueda por medicamentos específicos.
- Laboratory Results - Laboratory results can be added and edited by laboratory groups or specific laboratories.
- Groups - Search by order group.
- Specific - Search by specific orders.
- Allergies - Allows you to add allergies to the clinical alert for substance allergies, drug allergies and allergy types and/or categories.
- Add Allergy Substance - Perform a search for allergies by substances.
- Add Specific Drug - Perform an allergy search for a specific medication.
- Add Allergy Types - Perform a search for types of allergies.
- Procedures - Allows you to add procedures by category, by range and specific procedures to the clinical alert.
- By Category - Search procedures by category.
- By Range - Perform procedure search by range.
- Specific - Perform specific procedure search.
- Referral - Allows you to add referrals to the clinical alert.
- Compliance Assistant - Allows the addition of tasks or duties for the clinical alert.