New Functionalities and Bugs Fixed

New in EHRez (Nuevo en EHRez)

Version 5.0.1 [2372]


  • (Client - Server) o Azure (Hosted) - Displays the quality of the communication that exists between the computer and the server, if it is a Client - Server client, or in the cloud, if it is a Hosted client. 


  • Quick Appointments - Screen re-designed for offices or centers with extensive patient flow, using less computer resources and allowing multiple filters.

Appointments (Exclusivo para Clientes Hosted)

  • EHRez Appointments - New web portal for appointment management, which allows access from any device, including tablets and smartphones. The portal can be accessed through:

Patient Details 

  • Billing (Daily Report - Purchase Payments) - New functionality that allows printing the sales report of products available for sale in the office or center.  

  • Insurances (History) - Columns have been added to display the date, time and user who edited or deleted the patient's medical plan.



  • General Settings - New Use Quick Appointment Window option, which allows you to activate the new Quick Appointments screen. 

  • Staff & Providers / Clinical Groups - New option to configure clinical groups to be used by the provider in the clinical evaluation. 

  • The provider or user selects the clinical group to be used for the clinical evaluation of the patient in the Use Group Clinical Evaluation section. 

  • Clinical Tasks Templates - Re-designed screen for quick and easy access. It allows you to configure the orders and procedures available to be performed in the emergency room, at the time the provider creates the patient's clinical tasks.

  • Clinical Tasks Templates / Arrivals Categories - New Category field, to tie the category to the patient's emergency room visit.

  • Clinical Templates Settings - New option to configure clinical groups, to be used by the provider in the clinical evaluation.

  • Custom Evaluation Settings - New option to configure clinical groups to be used by the provider in the clinical evaluation.

  • Progress Notes Templates Settings - New option allows copying the Progress Notes Templates of providers and groups and can replace the current configuration of the provider or group. 

  • Billing (Product For Sale) - New screen that allows you to configure the inventory and price of the products available for sale in the office. 

Settings ER

  • Clinical Tasks and IV Types - New option to configure or edit options to be used when adding clinical task events.
  • Office Templates Settings / Templates Settings - Allows the configuration of Templates groups, to be used in the Documents screen.

  • Order Settings / Available Orders - Allows you to configure the available or most frequent orders, which can be performed in the emergency room.

¿Dónde se utiliza la configuración de esta pantalla?

  • Patient Payment screen, select a patient and then click on the Add button located at the top of the screen and select the Purchase of Office Products option.


  • Clinical Evaluation (Numeric Editor) - The Numeric Editor screen has been changed, which allows documenting any value with a point. Example: Patient has a temperature of 97.8°.

  • Clinical Evaluation (Physical Examination) - The Physical Examination button was added to the Clinical Evaluation screen to facilitate the documentation of the patient's physical examination evaluation.

  • Export Progress Notes - New option to include the billing codes used at the time of closing the meeting, when exporting the progress note. 

  • Medications New functionality that includes additional information in the patient's medication history such as: dispensing date, provider who issued the prescription, number of units of the medication, number of times the medication will be refilled, and the number of days' supply of the medication. 

  • Medications - The list of medications was updated.
  • NarxCare: The monitoring program has been added, which displays information regarding the patient's addiction points and history of controlled medications prescribed. The provider will be able to access the report by clicking on the Show Report button. (Note: The information provided in this section is provided by Assmca).
  • Pending Orders (Pivot Results) - The Print button has been added to this screen.  
  • Pregnancy (Ob Information) / Info - New functionality that displays the user who documented or deactivated the patient's pregnancy. 
  • Vital Signs / Delete New functionality that allows the patient's vital signs to be deleted.  

  • Workflow (Check for Open Progress Notes) - New functionality in the Workflow screen for managing open progress notes. When selected, it displays the Past Encounters screen of the patient having any open progress notes, in the same way as in Clinical Records. 

EHRez 5.0 ER Version 

  • New clinical module, exclusively designed for emergency rooms. It allows the management of clinical evaluations, maintaining the integrity of each user's documentation. 

  • Planning Summary Care - Screen detailing the patient's care plan and clinical evaluation notes. The user can determine whether to print only the selected options or all sections at the same time. In the same way, the progress note, order or selected document can be observed. 

Secciones del Módulo de Sala de Emergencias

  • Sticky Note - Allows you to write one or several notes, among the staff that will be attending the patient. This function is exclusive to the Emergency Room, for the internal use of the clinical staff. These notes will not be included in the progress note. 

  • Add Clinical Tasks - It allows adding clinical tasks, which will be performed to the patient in the emergency room. In the same way, the user will have the ability to delete clinical tasks, as long as he/she has the permission to perform such action. 

  • Consent Forms - Allows multiple consent forms to be added to the patient's file simultaneously. Similarly, the patient's signature can be recorded only once for all documents that require it.

  • New Prescription - Allows easy access to create patient prescriptions. 

  • Plan Care - It displays the summary of the treatment given to the patient in the emergency room and the instructions given for the continuity of the treatment at home. This screen allows the creation of prescriptions, referrals, laboratory orders and education to be delivered to the patient.

  • Progress Notes Templates Settings - New functionality allows configuring the progress notes templates by Physicians, Non-Physician and Group. They can also be configured according to the priority category of the clinical evaluation.

Patient Dashboard ER 

  • Clinical Dashboard - Section where part of the patient's clinical evaluation can be recorded, such as: allergies, serums and medications administered by vein, vital signs, medications, diagnoses, procedures and vaccinations. 

  • Clinical Tasks - Section for efficient and easily accessible management of the patient's clinical tasks. In this section the user will be able to print a report of all orders sent to the patient, expand and collapse all sections, print report of pending tasks and print report of completed tasks. In this screen the patient's serum management can be documented.

  • Clinical Tasks (Medications) - Now the note and the frequency of administration will be displayed next to the drug name, to facilitate the interpretation and reading of the drug. 

  • IV Sites - New screen allows to document the patient's medication administration through the serum. 

  • Lab Result - Section to make it easier for the provider or user to manage the patient's lab results. A comparison of up to 5 results can be made simultaneously. Likewise, you will have access to view the document of these results. 

  • View Comparer Section where the supplier will be able to compare up to a maximum of 5 laboratory results simultaneously. The supplier will also have access to view the results document.

  • Service Summary Section where the patient's diagnosis and procedure codes are displayed so that they can be added to the claim when creating the encounter bill. The user will be able to add more codes if necessary.

  • Vital Signs - New functionality allows you to add the selected record to the clinical evaluation section by right-clicking on it and selecting the Add to Progress Note option.

Clinical Evaluation ER (Nota de Progreso)

  • Clinical Evaluation - Section where the management of multiple clinical evaluations is performed, in the same screen, under a single encounter (Example: Triage, Clinical Evaluation, among others.) Each clinical evaluation will be identified by the user who performed it. 



  • Formulario 1450 - The patient's record number was added to the 1450 form.

Bugs & Fixes 

Patient Detail  

  • Documents (Referrals) - The display of the image when added or scanned has been corrected, so that the image is reflected in the Documents screen. 
  • Farmacias - Error was corrected by eliminating the patient's favorite pharmacy.


  • Add Procedure Template (Hyperlink) - Correction so that the description of the selected procedures is automatically displayed in the progress note and, in the Save & Close screen.  
  • Clinical Evaluation - Corrected error caused by having multiple items with the same description in the clinical evaluation area, in the Clinical Evaluation screen.
  • Clinical Tasks Templates Settings - An error was corrected when pressing the Add button in the Medications screen. 
  • Clinical Templates (Copy Types) - The process was corrected when copying the group configuration. 
  • Immunizations - Aggregation of several vaccines and fixes in the report.
  • IV Manager - Correction of blank screen display, when pressing the Previous button. 
  • Progress Notes Templates Settings - The Save button was disabled, until the description or title of the same is written. 
  • Order Results (Tab) - Functionality that allows the display of the patient's laboratory results, to facilitate documentation and referencing.