New Functionalities and Bugs Fixed
New in EHRez
- Electronic prescribing for Controlled Substances (EPCS) - New service for sending electronic prescriptions for controlled medications.
- EHRez has partnered with, a credentialing service provider that complies with SureScripts' requirements for identity verification. Your personal information will only be used for identity purposes as an individual. This data will not be stored, except for your name and contact information.
- Nota Importante: As a requirement of the DEA, printed electronic prescriptions, for controlled medications, will not display the provider's electronic signature.
- Medications - Medication update.
- Medications - The Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) column was added to the prescription form in order to identify the pharmacies that have the service of receiving electronic prescriptions for controlled substances.
- Print / Nota de Progreso - The extension number of the office or emergency room was added to the progress note form.
Mensajes Validación Base de Datos
- Instance Unavailable - If the following message is displayed when connecting to the system, you should contact our customer service staff at 787-625-0440.
- Unavailable - Click on the button for detailed information.
- Base de Datos - When this message is displayed, it indicates that the database is reaching its limit. You will need to contact customer service personnel at 787-625-0440.
Main Menu
- Arrivals / Appointment Time / Arrived Time - Added to the Arrivals section, in the main menu screen, the appointment time and time the patient arrived.
- General Settings / Audit Log - New Print button to print the selected audit log.
- General Settings / EPCS (Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances) Audit Log - New screen, where the records of sequences of electronic prescriptions of controlled medications are displayed. Likewise, you can search for a specific patient.
- General Settings / EPCS Incident Report - New screen, where the incidents of electronic prescriptions of controlled medications are reviewed.
- General Settings / EPCS Prescription Log - New screen, where the registration of electronic prescriptions of controlled medicines is verified. It allows you to print the report of what has been done in this screen. Likewise, you can search for a specific patient.
- General Settings / EPCS Record Export - To export the report, you must contact our customer service department at 787-625-0440 to request such action from EPCS records. They can be exported for a period of up to 2 years.
- General Settings / Print Progress Note with every encounter item - New option allows the display of all documented sections in the progress note printout, even if not configured in the Progress Note Template Settings.
- General Settings / Group Permissions - New permission to deactivate the action of adding, editing or deleting items by pressing the right mouse button in the Clinical Evaluation screen.
New in EHRez 5.0 ER (Emergency Room) Version
- Settings / Office / Templates Settings - New keywords can be added to the Templates, to register the signatures of the nurse and the supplier, to be used in the same document.
- Addendum Notes - Time and vendor license display in the Addendum Notes section.
- Auto Registro / Workflow - Display of gender field in the self-registration, in order for the patient to select the same, at the time of arrival at the emergency room.
- Clinical Tasks - Creation of multiple clinical tasks, in individual clinical evaluations.
- Clinical Tasks / Mark as Completed - Message display, when pressing the Mark as Completed button, when there are pending clinical tasks.
- Clinical Tasks / Mark as Completed - Display of final grade in the clinical evaluation section upon completion of all clinical assignments.
- Clinical Tasks / Ordered Tasks - Display of the clinical tasks divided by subcategories in the Clinical Evaluation section.
- Clinical Tasks / Tareas Completadas - Display message upon completion of clinical tasks and not having pressed Mark as Completed.
- Consent Forms / Documents Forms / Close selected documents - New option allows you to close all selected documents simultaneously.
- Consent Forms / Documents Forms / Replace User Signature on selected item - New option to replace the user's signature in the selected documents.
- Consent Forms / Documents Forms / Replace Other User Sig - New option allows you to remove the signature of another user in the selected document.
- Consent Forms / Documents Forms / Replace keywords (No Signatures) - New option allows you to replace keywords without signatures in the selected document.
- Consent Forms / Documents Forms / View Closed Docs - New option, allows you to view the documents that have been completed.
- Clinical Evaluation / Patient Signature - New option allows the patient's signature to be recorded for each clinical evaluation.
- Encounter Summary / Internal Orders - The Internal Orders section has been added, where the clinical tasks that were sent and performed to the patient are displayed. They are classified by individual clinical tasks, categories and sub-categories.
- Encounter Summary / Patient Details - Access to patient demographic information from the Encounter Summary screen.
- Encounter Summary / Service History - The Service History section has been added, which allows the user to view the service history by encounter, for a time range of three months. The user will be able to filter by the date range of his preference.
- Pain Rating - New screen to document the patient's pain level by scale. To be able to document in this screen, it is required to have in the progress note template, the Pain Rating option.
- Print Progress Note / NPI y Lic. - Added the provider's NPI and license number and nurse next to the name, in the signature section, on the progress note form.
- Progress Note Templates Settings / Edit Priority - New option allows you to configure the priority level or the order in which progress notes are displayed when performing multiple clinical evaluations in one encounter.
- Progress Notes Templates Settings / Dx is required - New option that when selected, requires a diagnosis to be automatically added to the encounter, when closing the progress note, of having the Problem List section, in the Template.
- Progress Notes Templates Settings / Vital Signs is required - New option that, when selected, requires the patient's vital signs to be automatically added to the encounter, when closing the progress note, if the Vital Signs section is in the Template.
- Progress Note / Send to Billing - The Send to Billing button has been added to facilitate the sending of the encounter billing for the claiming of the encounter.
- Vital Signs - Weight and height will be displayed automatically, at the time of recording the patient's vital signs, from the second clinical evaluation.
Bugs Fixes (Correcciones)
Main Menu
- Arrivals - Correction to remove the patient from the Arrivals section of the main menu by removing the check mark in the Arrived At box on the Appointments Details screen.
- Appointments / Side Panel / Patients Search - Correction of the patient's name display in the search section, in the side panel, if the background color is dark.
- Schedule Appointments - Screen display correction, when accessing from Appointments List View.
- Staff & Providers / Use Groups Clinical Evaluation - Correction in the display of the selected clinical group, when exiting and re-entering the Staff & Providers screen.
- General Settings - Correction when selecting the Print Progress Note with every encounter item option, the Use Appointments List View option was selected at the same time.
- ER Clinical Task Template Settings - Correction when changing the selected Template provider.
- E-labs - On-screen E-labs setup, when creating a new patient, with the selected electronic laboratory data.
- ER Addendum Note - Display of the Addendum note, in the specific note that was added.
- ER Clinical Evaluation - Correction by pressing the Print button in the Clinical Evaluation section of the progress note.
- ER Closed Encounter - Correction of enabled sections in a closed progress note.
- ER Closed Encounters - Correction of information display in the dropdown of the Closed Encounters screen.
- ER Clinical Tasks - Correction in the display of the pending tasks message, when they have already been completed.
- ER Clinical Tasks - Correction of duplicate clinical tasks when entering Clinical Tasks a second time and pressing the Previous button.
- ER Clinical Tasks / Administered Tasks / Orders / Procedures - Elimination of Route, Site and IV Site in the orders and procedures sections.
- ER Clinical Tasks / Closed Evaluation Notes - Do not allow adding clinical tasks, when closing the clinical evaluation.
- ER Clinical Tasks / Delete - Correction when deleting tasks, without having added them to the patient. Consider deleted or inactive clinical tasks as completed.
- ER Clinical Tasks / General Instructions - Full text display in the general instructions for clinical tasks.
- ER Clinical Tasks / Inactive Medications - Error correction and display and user identification, when changing an ordered medication.
- ER Clinical Tasks Medications - Correction when adding components to drugs.
- ER Clinical Tasks / Medications - Correction when selecting multiple medications in the Quick Treatment column, not displaying in the patient's treatment section.
- ER Clinical Tasks / Medications - Correction when adding personalized or custom medications in clinical tasks.
- ER Clinical Tasks / Orders - Correction of results display, in the Clinical Evaluation section, when they are added, through the Add Results button.
- ER Clinical Tasks / Orders - Correction of category categories and laboratories.
- ER Clinical Tasks / Orders / Procedures - The route, site and iv site options were eliminated in the Orders and Procedures sections.
- ER Clinical Tasks / Ordered Tasks - Corrected message display, by having the Ordered Tasks section.
- ER Clinical Tasks / Mark as Completed - Correction at the time of provider, press the Mark as Completed button in the clinical tasks.
- ER Consent Forms / Documents Forms - Correction of replacing keywords in multiple documents, when the Other Signature keyword exists in these documents.
- ER Consent Forms / Documents Forms / Replace Signature - Correction for not having the User Signature keyword in the selected document, replacing the patient's signature.
- ER Consent Forms / Documents Forms / Reopen - Correction by reopening a previously closed document, editing and pressing the Save button.
- ER Consent Forms /Required Documents - Correction of the display of documents required in the clinical evaluation, when they have already been added from the Patient Details screen.
- ER Encounter Summary - Display of sections when entering the Encounter Summary screen.
- ER Encounter Summary / Addendum Notes - Correction of Addendum Note display, in the progress note printout from Encounter Summary.
- ER Encounter Summary / Print - Correction of license number display, in the progress note form from the Encounter Summary section.
- Encounter Summary / Service History - Correction when entering the Service History screen.
- ER Diagnósticos y Procedimientos - Correction in the display of diagnostics and procedures, in the Service History section, in the Encounter Summary screen.
- ER Pain Rating - Correction of section order display in the progress note form. Correction of section display in the second clinical evaluation.
- ER Plan of Care / Orders - Correction of order creation without diagnosis.
- ER Plan of Care / Print - Correction of document title display when printed from the Plan of Care screen.
- ER Patient Signature - Correction of patient signature on the progress note printout.
- ER Problem List - Continuity in the progress note when saving a diagnosis.
- ER Progress Note Templates Settings - Correction when deleting a Progress Note Template Settings.
- ER Progress Note Template Settings / Pain Rating - Correction of the Pain Rating section display.
- ER Progress Note - Deletion of provider name on the emergency room progress note form.
- ER Progress Note - Deletion of provider name on the emergency room progress note form.
- ER Orders - Correction of the display of orders that are not clinical tasks, in the Orders section.
- ER Modifications - Correction on the progress note form and time stamp.
- ER Time Stamp - Correction when editing the time in the time stamp.
- ER Time Stamp - Correction of the time stamp display in the vital signs register.
- ER Vital Signs - Corrected display of all vital record fields in the Patient Dashboard and Clinical Evaluation sections.
- Medication History - Correction in medication history display, when printing the progress note.
- Medications - Correction of note display in the progress note printout, in multiple medications, when the Sorted List option is selected in the Assessment & Plan section.
- Problem List - Update correction when editing a diagnosis in the Problem List screen.
- Problem List -Correction of diagnostic message display required in a closed note.
- Vital Signs - Correction in percentile display, by eliminating the patient's vital signs record.
- Vital Signs - Correction in note field display and selection of Denied Reasons.
- Vital Signs - Disable all sections in the Vital Signs screen, by selecting the Denied Reason option and correcting the time stamp display.